Friday, June 19, 2020


I have had a rough few months, health-wise.  Two weeks ago, I went to the home of the Medicine Man who passed away in April, to sit with my sister, and let her speak and grieve.  We have been special relationship for forty years, they saved my life once, and have blessed me in myriads of ways.  I did not go with the intention to receive gifts and teachings, but when I went down to their daughter's room, suddenly, at one room, his presence was strong and I caught his essence for a few mometns.  When I came back to my sister, I told her and she said, "of course, he blessed you every night in his prayers."

In those few moments, I got answers to medicine I needed to use , for protection against great negativity I have been experiencing.  I am gathering it as soon as I can get my energy back.
While many do not understand Medicine, it is because they have not had the opportunity to sit at a Medicine person's side, in ceremony, and with a pure intent of a learner.  Our connection has always been very strong.

Once I took my younger birth brother to meet this powerful family.  He was blown away when he saw the bright hawk eyes of spiritual knowing and teachings that took place in that short time we had to visit.  He came away with a knowledge, even more, that there was something 'to it".  He had never met such a spiritually strong Medicine Man and he came away changed.

As I prepare to turn 73, I know I must begin serious walk on my journey, being present, following the ways of the Wolf.  The wolf has been with me since I was adopted by a family who lived next to the Kanai and I was drawn into the stories at the knee of another beautiful Medicine Person. Somehow, I knew the ways from my earliest childhood where I ran from my mother and crawled up on on the knees of a grandmother that was there in the cafe.  Mother often told me that story as she always wondered since the nurse who handed me over to her, from the train, whispered to her that I was a child of color.  I might add, I was adopted by a family with Woolf as their surname.  My adoptive father had a wolf as a pet and there are pictures of a younger step sibling with that wolf.  Throughout my life, I have had many experiences with wolves and the associations and teachings of the wolf.

I am going to try to maintain my true walk.  It is time to let the grief go and walk in joy.

 I am sure I was always walking with the Wolf.  I must remember this.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.19.20


  1. This is so powerful Carol. I feel you are back in more ways than one xx

    1. Yes, I need to be. The visit to the family, on the Peigan, inspired and energized me. Thank you.
