Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Goddess Pomona

Pomona is a Roman goddess who carries the symbolisms pertaining to Nature, to pleasure and rest.  She is all about flowers and orchards and I happen to live in the fruit basket of Canada and the cherries are ready for picking.  She is concerned about gardening tools for the care of Mother Earth’s bounties.  First fruits were offered to her and I will place some of my first picked cherries to her after this weekend when we go pick some at one of the orchards.

Pomona reminds us to work hard and then rest.  Enjoy the flowers before you eat of the fruits.  Surround yourself with green and leafy things, eat your greens, wear greens, smell the flowers.  Gather flower petals to use in art, to use in potpourri, etc.  Show gratitude for abundance. 

Remember to take time to enjoy the fruits of your labors; physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  Consider the ease of these summer days, knowing to harvest for an easier winter.  Consider how your body reacts when fed fruits.  Consider learning more about how to put up your harvest that is beginning.  Try new fruit recipes.  I have made three rhubarb pies and will love every bite.

 Consider how being close to Mother Nature fuels your heart and passions.  Consider your spiritual work that you should work on every season but moreso, right now, as your summer is short time here and soon more difficult seasons can come.  Blessed Be, sister-friends.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.25.20

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