Sunday, June 21, 2020

Reclaiming Lilith

As I am.  As it is.  As it should, would, could be, let it be.
In her splendor, as the longest day of the year resides upon Mother Earth, the Maiden in us becomes more emotionally mature and we become more aware of what love and beauty is.  We are at the pinnacle of our beauty during this time, thankfully, for Lilith enters our lives and passion awakens in Mother Earth, and in us.    Mother Earth growers her greenest, just now, and so do we.  Lilith brings the fire within and sends us on a dedicated search for those spiritual things we so desire.

When Lilith comes, she brings her Goddess friends with her.  Each has passionate energy, love energy, and creative energy.  Aphrodite, Belladona and Aconite dance with her and wakens deeper inspiration, more wildness, more sense of freedom, even ecstasy will be forms of passion within us.  Those who can sing, will sing.  Those who can dance, will dance.  Those who write, will write.  Burning fire in us stirs.  We will be more daring, bolder, braver during this time.  Lilith was/is both monster and Mother and she had all the symbolic feminine moods, to the max,  While we seek the abandon of our passions, we can be most feminine power we ever were.  In this, we must be careful and keep focused on positive ways of all our passions.  

It is whispered, in Jewish culture, that Lilith she was the first woman offered to Adam and she refused.  She was too focused on her passion at being created and wanted more power than the subservient Eve that followed.  Apparently, if one reads Genesis, there implies two stories, two creations, and Lilith appears in the first creation.  Many stories of her darkness are part of her story because Patriarchy deemed her evil, bride of the devil because she was so powerfully feminine, so authentic, so unwilling to abandon her truths for Patriarchy.  They reduced her stories to ones of demonic status because she would not fall into the realm of Patriarchy, as it was in ancient times when men truly feared creative powers of the feminine and sought to banish and belittle that feminine power ( that fear that still resides in ways that males tend to still belittle and degrade women today).  Submissiveness and adherence to ancient early monotheistic religion that men were creating.  Lilith became the serpent, the symbol of what happens to women who demand equality and who disobey men.  It is said that Eve was the reason for expulsion from the Garden of Eden and Lilith was the reason for the temptation that came over Eve.  Many negative things were blamed on Lilith from that time on.  Lilith became the causality of Patriarchy. Yet, she survives in us in so many ways.

Lilith is symbolized by the owl who cannot be silenced in darkness.  She is all of us who may have been subjugated, humiliated and derided by any form of Patriarchy.  Men fear that part of us, and, yes, rightly so.  Patriarchy has, in every way, attempted to isolated and erase our feminine powers and energies through turning our passion into our duty to them:  rape, ‘be silent, be abused, be bullied, be manipulated through drugs and surgeries, be made small and unimportant, to be ‘not enough’, to surrender to Patriarchy or else.  But, no matter what form our feminine energy and passions take, we are still here and still battling; still attempting to reclaim our authentic selves.  Mother Nature reclaims herself and summer comes with all her wild blossom passion. 
Now is the month to reclaim all that was snuffed in us.  It is time to celebrate, to gather in feminine circles, to dance and since and eat and be love at it most abandoned. Draw inspiration from Mother Nature; wear your colors and your ribbons and channel your energy into reclaiming that pure abandon in us all.  

Happy summer Solstice to us all.  Remember to seek magic and beauty and love for and within self.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.21.20


  1. Love your painting and love your writing 🧡 (Weirdly, it is the shortest day here in Australia) 🧡

    1. Thank you. She is different for me but I love her sweetness. That is strange.. I guess it is because the sun has moved further North?
