Tuesday, June 23, 2020

You Are The Answer To Ancient Prayers

It is the month of Litha and time to celebrate the Sun, the growing and blossoming things, the things that are blossoming within us. Summer solstice draws us outside to the beauty of Mother Nature within us and without.  Fiery things are abound, even within.  The wheel turns and we can remember that we are so blessed by the sun that seems to “stand still” (solstitium, in Latin, means “sun stands still”).  Ancient civilizations marked the turning of the year in stone circles, for instance.  Ancient agricultural societies celebrated this time by rolling great wheels, that had been set afire, down into a body of water.  This is the time of fire and water.

It was the romans who gave this time the name of “June”; “Juno”, the wife of Juniper and the Goddess of women and especially during time of childbirth.  The Celts and early Christians marked this time with great bonfires to celebrate the space of time between heaven and earth.  Those who celebrated the Goddesses, were intent on knowing the battles between light and dark as the Sun begins to wane from this time on Earth. The sun, at its highest and longest gives warmth and brightness that colors our world.  It is now that we need to celebrate that which rises within us.

Build yourself a bonfire (or, if you are unable, light your brightest candle), and mediate on what the last year brought you ion the form of creative energy, that has brought you to blossom.  If you planted seeds in the Spring, that are coming to fruition, bless them for blessing you.  Find peace in the chaos of flinging blossoms and waving tress and the chaotic time we are living in right now.  

Find ways to rejuvenate yourself, if Mother Nature, itself, does not.  Spend quiet time amidst the beauty by reading a good book.  I have picked up a copy of “Let That Sh*t Go”, Purewal and Petriw, that speaks to finding peace of mind and happiness in your everyday life, to read during this month.  Spend some time learning about your genetic cultures, set up your Litha altar, stack your bonfire wood, eat your fresh fruits and veggies and be outdoors as much as you can.  

Celebrate Litha as wholeheartedly as you can.  Celebrate the positives, the blessings, the miracle that you are. Your great great great grandmothers prayed for such as you.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.22.20

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