Thursday, May 16, 2019

Masculine Energy Within

"Our fullest potential is found in the weaving and balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within ourselves.  Both men and women carry feminine and masculine wisdom and tools.  However, sometimes one or both of these energies is out of balance, silenced, wounded, misunderstood or disrespected.  Men and women throughout time have been both the oppressor and the oppressed. Often it is the self-created oppression of our feelings, wisdom, power, beauty, truth or love that is the ultimate betrayal.  Regardless of your past experiences and choices, you always have the option of embracing each of these energies where they are, and understanding what they need to become more whole and integrated within you for a more balanced Divine version of yourself." 

- Divine Balance~The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and MasculineBy Anahata

So many work totally from the feminine side of our femininity.  We happy swish around, applying our feminine wiles and totally may not understand that all of us are both feminine and masculine energy.  Do you know that when you are totally focused you are entering the masculine influence of your masculine energy?  Did you know that when you are balanced with both energies that you are more stable, more strong?  Did you know that when you are being logical that you are balancing your energies?  Did you know when you feel driven to do, to complete, to finish anything that you are balancing your energies?  When you are totally in to physicality that you are weighing heavily on your masculine energy?  Those who are extremely goal oriented you are coming from the masculine energy.  Setting boundaries is also coming from your masculine energy.  We all tap into our masculine energies throughout the day. We need both to be balanced.  

Our masculine energy is our own self-protector.  Assertiveness is also coming from there.  Speaking our truth and being defensive is also a masculine trait.  The more we honor and use both energies we will be more balanced in more things.  As we begin to become aware of when we use our masculine energy, we begin to honor it and we can learn how to utilize the masculine energy more often.  There are times that we need to be more flexible and there are times to be assertive.  There are times that we need to set good boundaries and enforce them.  As we become more conscious of Self, we will learn when to use which to solve a problem, to create intimacy, to love from afar and to love nearby.  When we look at how we are thinking, we can start to understand what energy we are using.  And, beware, remember their are the negatives of both.  We already know what happens when we are expressing the wrong energy.

The wrong feminine energy can have us use manipulation to get what we want.  It is also the energy used to control situations and others.  Our clinging to those who do not want us is another way to use our feminine energy in the wrong way.  When we sink into not having strong confidence, we are sinking into the negative of feminine energy.  Those who force others to see them as totally feminine, or childlike, is the negative use of feminine energy.  

But, before your hackles raise, know that the feminine is meant to be more emotional.  It can be used for empowerment or for control.  When we deny our authentic emotions, we can use that very gift that draws us to be kin-keepers as control.  Over-thinking can be part of another dark side of feminine energy.  Self-sabotage comes from over-thinking.  Walking around carrying all the problems of the world that belong to other people, is also coming from the negatives of feminine energy.  We know, very well, some of us more than others, what happens when masculine energy gets out of control.  Seeing one energy as better than the other is a non-game.  We are either a balanced human being with balanced energies or we are not.

The very thing that makes us good warriors is that we have more positive masculine energy.  When we need to be more critical in our thinking, when we need to be objective, when we need emotional balance, we need that positive masculine energy to work for us.  When we need more willpower, we need to work that energy.  Balance, sister-friends, balance.  

Balance of energies is what matures our souls.  An Elder once told me that spirit/soul is neither male nor female that when we die, the next life is gender neutral.  Are we to learn this balance in this life so we have it right for the next? 

All women AND men have both energies.   Trying to make one gender more positive than the other is totally working from the dark side of energies.  For those of us who may have experienced male trauma, know that exploring our woundedness is the way to give balm to the negative energy within us.  We smile and say "Red Neck Man" but that is demonizing all masculine energy and will have us try to suppress the masculine energy within us.  As well, demonizing mother-figures is a sign of an imbalance in our feminine energy.  Some danged stuff needs to be worked on.  Believe me; I know some of this only too well.  Both energies are divine gifts.  Somehow we need to balance that within Self.  

Somehow we need to protect ourselves from living a Victim life.  The masculine energy within can help protect us from the mindset and the experiences.  When we need to be assertive, not aggressive, we need to do so with respect and this will come from our masculine energy and feminine energy in balance.  Sometimes we simply must not be passive.  

Did you realize that our body language gives us away?  Consider your body language for just one day. Does your very stance push people away?  Does your very stance show you are easily victimized?  Know that your mind will try to label and separate things, so as you become aware of how masculine energy works in your psyche, you may feel imbalance.  But, as your become aware, you will also become aware of how to balance that energy.  

I have become very aware that my anger/fear is a heavily masculine energy.  It is something I seriously have to work on.. I see the fear as feminine and the anger as masculine.  Hmm, some things to think upon.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.16.19

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