Saturday, May 18, 2019

Just Once In A Very Blue Moon

We often hear the phrase "Once in a Blue Moon..." because it is not that common.  

Full Flower Moon is a Native American (Algonquin) title for the Full Moon in May.  Colonials continued to use the title as a way to define the seasons.  It is also known as Mother's Milk Moon, and Corn Planting Moon.  When the moon is a Blue Moon it means it is a second full moon in a season.  Those born in this month are known to be lucky people.  The May person draws people to them by their friendly spirit and their ability to get along with others.  May people tend to be sharing people and easily move within different circles.  

Perhaps the greatest lesson that we can learn during this Full Flower Blue Moon is to learn to listen to ourselves.  We have that still small voice within that is whispering to us all the time.  Note:  We have that EIW/Ego/Lizard Brain growling within, as well. 
Have you ever walked in the dark while someone else is holding the flashlight?  Not so good.  I learned long ago I need to hold my own flashlight.  My arm knows where I am going.  Someone else's does not and beside, sometimes they turn the flashlight to help themselves and I am still out in the dark.  It is way better to hold our own light, to make our own decisions.  Our problems come when others think their idea is right for us.

When we begin letting other people make our decisions, the more dis-empowered we become in making our own on our own.  Too much information from outside sources causes us not to listen to our own inner voice.  Yes, we are going to make some wrong decisions, but we get a chance to learn those lessons on our own. Other people do not pay the consequences, we do.  

The less we listen to others, the more inner inspiration we get.  Inner wisdom is there, we have only to access it.  We carry the inspiration of our ancients within us.  Ever seen something and get the chills?  Ever seen someone and you get a cold feeling?  Ever thought of something and realize that it is almost déjà vu?  Well, perhaps that is the ancient wisdom. 

When we see a problem in our life and we remain calm and allow the message to come through, we will make better decisions.  When we move into chaos or anticipatory angst, we often squelch our inner voice and we 'fog up' or even feel paralyzed to make any decisions around it all.  When we move into negative areas of decision-making, we can serious inhibit our ability to make wise choices.  Sometimes you simply have to put the decision on a back burner and do something to take a break and find some calm.  

Decisions do not have to be so hard.  We are adults.  We have experiences in decision-making since we were born, perhaps before.  If we try to force a decision, it only gets more difficult.  We have to realize what we have control over, and that might be just being in control of nothing more than the decision itself.  Sometimes we allow our minds to go into overdrive and think of every solution, outcome, all at once.
  'Catastrophizing' is my enemy as well as any.  I had to learn to absolutely refuse to see catastrophic endings to everything.  This would seriously do me no good as I age and aging gives us more things to fuss about.  I would be fussing every danged day over this and that and every other.  Some of our decisions in later life ARE danged serious.  Hopefully we can gain control of ourselves and simply put one foot in front of the other.  I have enough problems to solve without dreaming up more.  We do know where this all goes.  Might as well enjoy what we can and keep our eye on the journey not the end of the path.  

We have to be patient with our self, too, as decisions will take more time as we sort through the brambles in our way.  We do not need to make rash decisions.  Sometimes we do have to accept the journey's end in order to make the journey easier.  But stressing is not being patient.  We simply cannot worry our self away and enjoy the journey.  We have to be very honest with our self.  We simply have to decide what would make us happiest and most peaceful.  It does not mean because we make good decisions that everything is going to be honky-dory.  It isn't.  That is not real life.  Our inner voice is the best voice for us ( and I am not talking Lizard Brain voice of negatives).  Other people are not going to have to live our life. No one else knows us as we know ourselves.  No one else knows what our soul longs for.  Other voices hinder us, in the long run.  Why run towards a cloudy fog when the right to walk slowly and walk where we want to be will work ever so much better.  

Sometimes we need to fail in order to know the sweetness of success...our own success.   By now we know we can get through making some bad decisions and turn those decisions into positives.  We cannot do that if we have bequeathed our future to anyone else.  By now we need to get the idea that it is way better to solve our own problems.  Sometimes we have to accept that allowing others to make our decisions hinders us.  

Whether someone is a child, a youth or an adult, we don’t do them any favors by solving everything for them. In fact, we may only be enabling them to continue to rely more on others than on themselves.  At some point, we live exactly what we decide, even if it is based on other people's idea of how a decision should be made.  I would rather live in my own dark than one I would find myself in if someone else was holding the light.  Seriously!

No more 'once in a very blue moon...'  I wish you enough belief in the lessons you have learned to be able to make a full-lighted decision, sister-friends.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.18.19

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