Thursday, May 9, 2019


“I’d love to try to tame you... And I would simply adore it if you turn out untamable ” Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

The Norse goddess, Freya is known as goddess of love, fertility, beauty and material possessions.  She sounds a great deal like one of the Kardashions and their materialistic traits..simply an icon for all things decadent and earthly.  She is a thrill-seeker, a feminine vamp, and a goddess who is said to have introduced magic to the Norse.  She is a controller and manipulator and you will feel her in your life when she expresses herself through you.  As well, she leads the slain warriors in the afterlife.  She traded magic for basic life needs.  She can create a great deal of chaos in your life because she is known to be celebrated and scorned, to be adored yet feared, to be longed-for and yet one to be kept away from.  

May is Freya's month of influence. Perhaps you have felt her.  She was said to wear a cloak of falcon hide and feathers and when you see a hawk in some uncommon way, know she is near you, as a shape-shifter, and attempting to manipulate you in some way.  Love and Beauty issues will evolve from her influence.  It is not that it is simply personal beauty issues, but she influences the love for nature and its beauty as well.  She encourages self-awareness.  She influences us with our own self-worth. It is not vain to be concerned about admiring yourself.  The world is a hard place and would put us down in every sense.  She wishes us to have good boundaries this month and know our own feminine power.  

Freya is connected to amber as she is often depicted as wearing a pendant of such.  Amber is symbolic of her and symbolic, to us, of ancient wisdom.  It is a healing stone for protection on journeys.  As well, amber is symbolic, for us, as a token to help us balance our emotions, which might be all over the place in May.  It can bring us luck, when we carry a piece, or put one on our altar.  When we feel fear climbing into our sacred spaces, we can hold a piece of amber.  When we need to clear our minds of negativity towards our self, we can keep a piece near us.  (It is a great medicine for stopping headaches.) Amber is symbolic and an influence on developing patience and wisdom.   Freya knows we are simple novices in honoring our ancient goddesses.  If we are honest with ourselves, we will be honest in how we express her influence.  

It is awesome that she is who you can turn to with nutritional problems (note:  I am newly diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetes) so this is auspicious for me.  She encourages us to seek the aid of spiritual animals in our everyday quests this month.  I will seek her influence.  I need that kind of influence in this next health chapter of mine.

Seek her, too, sister-friends.  See if you can recognize her May influence in your life.
©Carol Desjarlais 5.9.19

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