Sunday, June 11, 2023

June Is Bursting All Over



June promises beauty, warmth, love and passion as Mother Earth turns her face to the heat of summer.  We have forgotten how to celebrate the growth of our food and abundant flowers.  The hills of home were alive with beauty…startling and stunning to rise up over a hill and turn back to see such brilliance. 

June, the month of Venus, Aphrodite, and white plumes of veils and wedding dresses looking like great blossoms of white amidst the festooned bouquets.  It is the month of an ancient European drink called “honeymoon” …yes, honeymoon.  A mead made of honey that is fermented and was given to the bride and groom as an aphrodisiac.  Ah, all kinds of love is in the air.


The theme of the month is “abundance”. And strawberries and other red fruits abound.   The Moon this month is the Strawberry Moon.  All is not rosy, though, and this month can be the month of frustration.  It can be the month of tough lessons and rough tests of your character.  If this happens, question what it is in you that needs changing in order for you to resolve the problem(s)?  


I have been ‘Home’ for a week and a half, for medical reasons, but, oh, what peace and relief I feel when I am but a block away from where I was raised.   Being greeted with the Buffalo beans, the shooting stars, the wild rose blossoms was breathtakingly evocative.  I soaked in that sense of comfort and calm.  


I am still dealing with pain and today is day three so I ought to go.  I have warned everyone around me that I have pain-grumpiness and that I will not be able too ‘suffer fools’…or foolishness... just now.  I am crabby as heck and able to withheld it, but best to wear a sign but says not to press the button.


Let the feasting begin!  Let the gratitude reign.    Let the frustrations float off and around you so you might be the right kind of love and gratitude.


©Carol Desjarlais 6.10.23


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