Monday, June 12, 2023

Akrasia versus Enkrateia



I was going to have weekly art journaling classes for the summer, but I am stalling, procrastinating, something… and I have not advertised it.  I could say it is because I am so busy and have so much going on.  I could say, I am going on a cruise for ta week the first part of July and I should wait until I get back.  I could say a lot of things, but I have a sense that I am not going to do it.  I lack confidence that it will go.

I could start having a booth at the market every Saturday and then I remember how much work it is to do it an I talk myself out of it.  Procrastination’s pique.We all know procrastination well.  It has been with human beings from the beginning, not something new.  What is new to me is an ancient Greek word to define procrastination:  Akrasia.

Akrasia is the lack of self-control that allows us to delay and not follow through on plans.   We lack commitment and become the victim of our own actions.  Perhaps I like the feeling of guilt and frustration that sets in when we realize e are not following through, of starting a project or action that we should, would, could make.  Sometimes I simply cannot start working towards getting things done. 

One of the things to beat procrastination is to write a schedule and heck list and simply begin.  It is the beginning towards the end project will help us be more committed.  I sit with a day planner ain front of me, every day.  I look down for events I need to keep track of.  Perhaps writing a few points to begin and complete a project will help.  Somehow, I need to organize this.

I think that I procrastinate I because I have blocks of time taken up with other events until mid-July.  I have a great deal of company until we leave on our cruise.  Following through to make sure that I am getting all the pre-cruise things done seems to have taken up anything I should be doing in the meantime. Now to even start scheduling. 

I have already done the write-up and planning for art journaling classes.  I have made the sample art journal.  All I need to do is set a date to start and advertise.  It is, but a few simple steps left to do. I felt  my mind jump to advertising “tomorrow”… it has started already.  I must do it today.  Maybe I need to set an exact time I am going to advertise.  See, it can happen at the beginning of the simplest steps. 

Akrasia happens when we rebel against beginning until wee fall victim to procrastination’s downfall.  Enkrateia happens when we gain control of ourselves and use good habits in fining ways to follow through on intentions. 

***Ok, at 10 am, I am going to advertise the art journaling class for women. No ifs, ands, or buts.  I shall not be akrasiac because I want enkrateia. There, it is scheduled in my day planner.  I am going to set an alarm on my phone.  Simple steps. 

©Carol DesJarlais 12.6.23


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