Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Carol’s Humble Art Journaling 101: Oops…Pen and Alcohol Transfer Prints


I happened upon this technique through a huge error I made and suddenly the Oops became print-making.    I did this a long time ago, a thousand paintings and art journaling pages ago.  I thought to revive the Youtube video showing, quickly how this is done.  Then I share a few of the copies and how I used them.



All three of these are from the same print activity.  I can now utilize them to express different emotions, different products, etc.  It is a way to get from the blank page to a finished creative expression that comes from deep within.  Art journaling can give you the space to get out those feelings that you/we tend to keep bottled up and eat away at our need for sleep with the never-ending labyrinth of thoughts upon thoughts just as soon as you lie down to sleep. 


The next one from the original print changed because of the style of hair I made.  A’la Gulfsprite.    It may still need some work so I will come back to it.



HINT:  Napkins are great fodder.  There are so many beautiful ones.  Make sure you peel off the two or three liners on the back of the napkin so that you just have the one ply.  When you use them and glue them down, be gentle.

This is a great exercise in dealing with a blank page.  I love doing this because it inspires me to change the faces and make that original face into many faces.

I hope you give this a try.

©Carol Desjarlais 04.21.21


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