Monday, April 26, 2021

Carol’s Humble Art Journaling 101: Full Moon – Super Moon -Pink Moon


On April 26th, the Full Moon will be in Libra.  It has to do with the plant fairies that tickle the flower seedlings and roots to cause them to wake up.  The pink phlox, in New England, rise.  Herbs are ready to be started indoors on this super full moon.  Those who do prayer flags will be tying crimson red and gold flags to sacred trees.  The daises and the sweet peas are the flowers of this moon month, as well.    Pine trees (because First Nations who had pine trees around them, would change their pine boughs they slept on all winter), bergamot and patchouli are the scents for this moon.  This full moon is all about rubies, garnets, the bear, the wolf, hawk, magpie and learning to balance our nerves while being who we are in spite of pressures to be else.  As well, three will be need t watch our temper… oh, to be sure, as Covid has us really feeling the pressure as new, more difficult restrictions have been put in place.

Draw or trace a circle in the top third of your page.  I used charcoal to draw it but you can use any pencil. 


Add some blues from midnight blue to light blue on your palette.  Start with midnight blue and circle around and around your drawing of the circle until you can no longer made a circle and then continue to bottom of page making a slight arc as you work your way down, picking up lighter and lighter blue as you go.

Let completely dry.

With the narrow side of your brush, daub black on the bottom 5th of the page, making a tree line, and then painted solid black to the bottom.


Paint the moon in a dark yellow at the top and a light bright yellow on the bottom.  While still wet, add some bright orange over top at the top left hand of the moon and blend.  Then, add some white at the bottom right of the moon, and blend.  Come in again with straight bright orange and put towards middle of moon and then daub with a Kleenex to blend.


Let dry totally


Cover the moon with something. 

Load a toothbrush or a nail brush (stiff bristles) with white acrylic.  Flick the brush to send tiny dots of white on to your background.  Yah, we have stars.    I even got a meteor or two.


There, you have your full Moon for April 26th, 2021.

This moon is the time for gathering in sisterhood.  Love, courage and loyal within the group is imperative and we are doing it so well.  We all deserve to be nurtured and sometimes this is the only place where we feel it to our bones. 

On the Full Pink Moon, you are invited to gather in a sacred Sisterhood as we rise up together into a new love of courage and clarity.  It is here we can feel our worthiness, our being of matter, where we can feel support and care.

This is a place where we can feel gentleness, understanding, and we can be encouraged to be brave to share, to inspire and be inspired.  I am so happy with the group.  It is awesome. 

Together, we hold this private space for each other.  We can strive to be our more loving, creative self and this place can be a healing womb for all of us.  We can all be our wonderful self here.

Thank you for being here.  I so dearly look forward to every day and with Kelly and Jean helping to moderate and to inspire, it makes this a really powerhouse place to be inspired. 

Blessed Pink Moon to you all for this next month.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.26.21


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