Sunday, April 4, 2021

Carol’s Humble Art Journaling 101: The “Oh, My Gosh” Blank Page




There it is, a blank page, a new art journal page, and suddenly anything looks more inviting than that.  We are so afraid of failing that, even with a piece of danged paper, suddenly we fear it.  We question ourselves.  We listen to our Evil Inner witch (Lizard Brain) tell us there is no use, you can’t, you shouldn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t…. yadda yadda.  We can suddenly be stymied as how to put even a first mark on a page because we are so oriented to having a plan.  


Ok, here is a plan.  Start with a junk drawer of paper stuff or an old magazine, or old book with pictures….  Suddenly a color combination will hit you.  Dump a few selected things into a pile over the blank page.  (You will note that I am art journaling this month in an old, half-pageless story book I got a Value Village.)  Try and find a picture of some kind of little girl you can use as part of your main focus on the page.  I am searching for things I could use for the idea of falling off a pedestal… which happened last Spring and boy didn’t that smack.  I am still working through some betrayal that happened to me.  It is what is on my mind right now and so I will do a page about it. 

***A hint… you will not be able to keep all the pages because your book will overflow and never close later, so start at the beginning and tear out every third page or so... and, mind you, keep it for art journaling fodder.)

***another hint:  it is better to tear than to cut straight lines.. tearing allows cleaner edges when you glue and seal.

Now that is something you have done that is art journaling.  Suddenly you have some ‘stuff’.  And, using a glue stick, start covering up all, or some of that blank page.  I even found a phrase... now I have an idea for a theme for the page.  “Don’t ever put me on a pedestal.  I will fall off for sure.”  But I do not have to hold true to that because it might change itself before I get to the end of this page.  See, plans can change in everyday life and surely does in arting.


Ok, now I have a collaged background... now what?  Oh, wait, I need to seal it.  Mod Podge is a wonderful medium… it will seal that layer down good and give me some tooth to work on next.  It also makes sure all your edges of bits and pieces are glued down well.  So mod podge and let it dry.  Your brain will be buzzing with ideas, I am sure, or your EIW (Inner critic) will try to tell you that is awful and not coordinated... tell her to take a hike... you are just getting one of many layers down.


A hint:  Use a scraggily old brush to use just for mod podge and keep a water container for it and other brushes going, and mostly clean once you start adding color to your page. 

I still have my theme in mind as I choose whatever I am going to layer on next.  I think I might use some gesso, or white paint, and dover up some of the torn bits and pieces to tone it down a little.  While I am doing that, my mind is trying to figure out a pedestal.

A Hint:  find an old credit card or, ‘oops, I forgot to return the room key’ card to use for spreading and burnishing and making things settle in on a page.


A Hint:  You know what deli paper is?   Deli paper is the thing they wrap your sandwiches with for take-out, or in a basket of buns at a restaurant.  Happens I found a big box of plain at Wholesale Foods and I am stoked for years with enough deli paper.  I use deli paper for a palette for my paints, gesso, etc.  and I will eventually show you how you can print on deli paper like the leaves you see up at top left. 

Ok do not cover it all and do not cover it all the same.  Water some gesso down for a more transparent look.

A Hint:  Paper toweling is awesome…  try daubing paper towel, the kind with dots or texture, over your wet gesso… voila!  You just did some printing.  Dry it all and come back later.


Another Hint:  Did you know you can use an old hair dryer to dry your pages faster?  Yup.  I got one at VV Boutique (Value Village) just for that purpose.


Now for color.  Use wax paper or whatever for a palette to hold your colors.  Choose some of the colors that show up in your collaging.  Daub some color onto the page, not too heavily, and use little circular motions to get it to spread and make interesting colors and shapes.  Do not try painting, yet... you are merely getting color down.  Notice that I have left the girl intact so far, and have highlighted the phrase at the top... I have no idea where this is going yet... haven’t a clue, and I am still thinking a pedestal but I cannot draw that kind of stuff worth heck.  Um... ok, while that dries, I am going to search the internet of a pedestal drawing…  pretty sure I do not have one to cut out of a magazine.


Oh geez...oops... tore the page... but, a quick fix… glue a piecer on the back, then glue another page on the back of this page… voila! 



Done fixed it!


Layer by layer it all starts to come together.  Now I am going to mod podge a pedestal drawing I found on google.  I did cut this out with straight lines, because, well, it begged for it.  No rules. 

Glue it down and let it dry.


A bit of penwork is needed and I can do a pedestal now.  I did not say to do it perfectly right?


One last thing for this page... I can go on to paint or color the girl or I can leave her.  I might leave her for a time and come back to her, maybe.


Lastly... the border of the page needs something to make it look more finished, anyways.  I use an ink pad (dollar store has lots and cheaply).

You have just created your first page in your art journal.  There are tons of art videos on YouTube to watch, and ideas on Pinterest.  Go get inspired for your next page.

Happy heart mark making.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.4.21


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