Saturday, April 10, 2021

Carol’s Humble Art Journaling 101: Cardboard Magic and Happy Accidents




This page is prepped with White Chalk Paint.  Chalk paint is still an acrylic paint.  But it is a heavy liquid and works great for a chunky textured background. If you apply it thickly, oops, I did, it will crack.. Oh, I love cracks in my background.. Yah me and my not thinking.

I have an idea as soon as I get that aged looking background.  Cardboard is fascinating to work with in art journaling.   My favorite technique with cardboard is the texture you get when you peel back the cover to reveal the corrugated surface.  Just peel back enough to show, not all of it.  


You can make hearts, houses, birds, walls, circles, houses, you name it, it can happen with peeled cardboard. 

Of course, you can substitute what art supplies you have rather than buy this right off the bat, but you can see how it works and maybe later, you can pick up some chalk paint at Walmart.  


I did a rough wash over the background and then used a Wet Wipe to sort of wipe over to blend and to lift some of the color towards the middle of the page. 

HINT:  All about washes.   You can make ‘washes’ by mixing water with acrylics or you can make a better one by mixing 3 parts Matte Medium with 3 parts distilled water and 1 part paint.  Just using water tend to make the washes a bit less smooth but it works wonders when you do it because it is like a happy mistake.  The difference is also that a wash made with the 3 parts Matte Medium is that it tends to soak LESS into the surface and sits on top better.  With just water, it will soak down to the lowest areas.  It depends on the substrate as well.  Substrate is the product you are painting on.  More porous will soak in more of the paint and especially just adding water.  

 After letting the white on the hearts partly dry, do a light WASH with red mixed with white and a brush-load of water.  I did not paint down into the cracks or corrugation.  Let them totally dry.

 After the main page dried, I see that, where I had applied the chalk paint on a bit thicker, it made cracks.  Heck I cannot even get cracks using the Crackle products…  oh yummy, nice accident.

I am going to use some stencils I bought, on the background.

HINT:  I will be showing how to make stencils with notebook tab paper and a woodburning set soon, live…when life slows down a bit here…

HINT:  I keep my stencils in plastic envelopes in a binder.


I used a makeup sponge to carefully daub through the stencil.  It really helps me to use a bit of painter’s tape to secure the stencil before daubing. 


HINT:  You have probably seen me using Deli Paper for a palette and a lace to take on a brush that needs cleaning, or blobs of paint I swish.  Deli paper can be bought at Whole Foods, etc. where you can get a box of a thousand sheets for cheap cheap cheap.  I have, also been known to ask a teller, at a fast food place, if I could have a couple of sheets of their patterned deli paper.  You will see this one on a later page.


Ok, now I have stamped and I like the blue and black but, when I ink up the edges of the heart with an ink pad, and find the placement of the hearts… ughhhhh   I do not like it, but I brave on.


 I inked up the edges. 

I am calling this good for now.  I feel like it is not done, but I need to go on.

This is an emotional page for me.  I began it when this last week has been a nasty one.  My brother is still in acute care .  I lost my darling Esqueese who was my husband’s service dog and she was my last living connection to him, and my sister-in-law takes her last dark walk into the next life and it is such a tragedy.  It was a really ansty week for a myriad of other reasons as well.  I need to just let this page rest.  I may come back to it.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.10.21


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