Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Carol’s Humble Art Journaling 101: Self Portrait




***This is one of my latest self-portraits

I seem to be drawn to try to define myself according to me.  I look at these past self-portraits I have done and I realize, I was seeking to know myself.


This one is evocative to me.  It is actually more authentic... it speaks to not seeing Self, to shutting out the world , betimes. 


I got closer to delving deeply for this one, yet the main work is outside the self-portrait.

I continue to try and do self-portraits without making them pretty pretty and acceptable and speaking of other’s view of me rather than my true self showing through in a self-portrait.  

I think this one is the truest of Self that Self knows.  It happens to be my latest Self-Portrait.

To do a self-portrait, I think we have to be grounded in our authenticity, not the ‘look’ we project for others to see and judge.  There has to be a great deal of acceptance in who we are on the inside or when no one is there to see.  I think, the freer the soul is, the easier it would be to do a self0portrait.  If we are thinking of who might see it, and freeze up, then we are not doing a self-portrait.  We are doing a portrait of the self that we think other people see.  Whew!

Can you do a page that is a self-portrait?  Can you analyze it as you do it?  Can you see that you are making the Self-portrait what YOU see, think, feel, believe about self, or are you doing it in a way to please others?  This is a powerful exercise.  You will not be sorry for trying it. 

©Carol Desjarlais 4.28.21



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