Sunday, September 1, 2019

Journaling World Goddess Day Through The Archetypes

In the beginning was the Mother. As far back as 30,000 years ago, the people of the earth worshiped a female deity. In cultures around the world, the Goddess has been revered in myriad forms, in temple and grove, cathedral and cave. She has been celebrated and venerated through ritual, myth, and art. — The Goddess

I have been interested in the goddesses for nearly four decades. Little by little I have learned aspects of as many goddesses as I can.  It feels important to me to honor the ancestors and I have longed for times when women were honored as goddesses rather than how women are treated in this world.  Do I believe in a Higher Power, of course.  Do I believe in Jesus?  Of course.  Do I believe in the many Prophets down history?  Of course.  This just enhances my empowerment as a female soul.  I use this knowledge as a way to feel empowered, to feel understood, to understand.  Let me try to explain how I use the Goddesses' Archetypes as inspiration and self-empowerment:
Above all the goddesses is The Child, The Mother, The Crone.  One has to reconcile with The Child in order to have a smooth transition to The Mother, and then, both must be reconciled in order to have a smooth transition in to The Crone of our progression. 
The Child holds the foundation of all we can be, with the highest of potential.  The Child is full of play and wildness and freedom.  Of course, a child gets frustrated and throws tantrums.  As well, they learn to hide from adults (think authority figures).  They are not afraid to be silly.  It is there we are dependent.  The Archetypal Child  is our innocence.  Within this archetype are other kinds of Child:

The Ever-Child is determined to stay young.  They are the type who will grow up to be eternal optimists, denying reality in many ways.  Those who get stuck in this archetype tend to deny responsibilities of an adult.  They will live outside normal boundaries.  They make others be responsible for them in that they have extreme dependency.  Eventually, as Crone Years come, they are the sisters who caught in confusion, sadness, refuse to end youth, and remain ungrounded so life is fraught with problems of their own making but will refuse to own those self-made problems.  They are our sisters who, you can tell, did not develop a firm foundation in childhood and thus have problems functioning as an adult.

The next type of women are those who were wounded as a child and keep memories of abuse,, neglect and other traumas of their childhood...and tend to hold those awful memories close and present in their life as Mother and Crone.  We can pick up the pattern because we learned to be victims and never grew out of that.  These sisters will blame every dysfunction they have that shows up in adulthood, even Cronehood.  At some point we need to learn/relearn the art of forgiveness.  If we do not, Self-pity and blaming will be your mode of operation.  You will not learn/relearn, unless you learn to acknowledge your woundedness and move on through healing through forgiveness. 
Childhood is the place of innocence, yes, but many carry the abandonment of being put into foster care, adoption, even through abandonment of death of the most important person in yru life, a mother and/or father when one was v3ry young.  Abandonment feels like rejection to such as these sisters.  This can keep us from maturing through the ages and you will find many Mothers and Crones seeking alternative family-type relationships.  It is neither right or just or wrong or unjust.  It simply is, and one must work hard to mature through to Motherhood and Cronehood with self-sustaining empowerment to honor Self.  

Another childhood aspect we may see in our sisters is the child who is the Nature Child.  They are the child who loves nature, environment, and/or animals.  They are thrilled and excited about anything to do with nature.  This sisterfriend has a tender and sensitive soul.  The problem is, drawn on in to Motherhood and 'cronehood, it can mean that they do not bond as well with people as they do with their animals, etc.  Love of such is not enough, for true intimacy, true compassion, for one's own species.  Nature can become more important than developing deep and meaningful relationships with human beings who so need them to connect.  Usually, a Mother or Crone who has attachment issues with anything but nature and animals, has been dragging along childhood and Motherhood issues, on into Cronehood.  Feeling wounded, abandoned, rejected, they, in turn, reject, abandon, and the woundedness cycles and cycles throughout their life unless they realize that they have sold out their intimacy and relationships with human society.  Their focus, as they become aged, is more towards their pets, towards nature, and eventually pets abandon in some way and nature shows her angry side.  They are very in tune with nature and they allow nature to dictate their moods.  There needs to be a balance, of course, and usualy the balance comes through Motherhood and Cronehood so that the sister who is this archtype will not sink into despair as she becomes less able to be out in nature and to be able to care for a pet. It is imperative that we find balance and learn to trust other things besides animals and nature in order for us to maintain balance. 

The childhood innocence is what gives us our delight that people are drawn to.  This is a trait that allows for courage , allows for creativity, and the faith that all is as it should be and a faith that she is going to make it through in a well-balanced way.  This sister will work hard to find her beautiful balance through the ages and stages.  She believes in the good of people, without realizing she is denying that many are not good.  She may see relationships as she wishes them to be, rather than as they are in reality.  She is a dreamer, of sorts, and should she have nightmares, she may have problems trying to see the metaphor and analogies of such.  Life is not perfect balance and all beauty.  There are storms and when reality smacks her, she may not be able to cope.
Then there are children who are beyond magical, and are Fey.  We see them as medicine children, the rainbow child, the fairy child.  Their innermost sacred vessel of soul is connected to things way beyond their age.  Again, if we drag that child archetype through to Mothrhood and Cronehood, we will  find defending self from negativity of this world is difficult for them.  They immediately skip to fear and dependency upon something outside themselves ( religion, spirituality, etc.) to save them rather than save themselves.  They have few skills to cope with negativity.  They may abandon, reject, or wound others before they are wounded themselves.  A careful balance has to be sought to mature through the ages and stages of being woman in this world.

The most important thing about the stages of Archetypal beings we are, is that we mature through the stages, and when we run into something that is not working, to really look at the childhood stage to see why one might find things difficult.  I am sure we have all seen the adult women, even Crones, who act like Princesses, who even speak like a child ( Cinderella complex), who flit about from relationship to relationship and are always seeking the Prince.  Some, I was, are kissing a lot of frogs and missing a prince.  We know the women who act like teenagers in ways not appropriate for their age.   All three aspects of the archetypes are within us.  We mature, or we need to mature, through those stages as smoothly bas possible.  Just as a girl loses interest in paper dolls, and puts them aside for something more progressive in nature, we need to put aside our paper dolls. Many of us gave up part of our y0outh for early relationships that we might have stayed with, or not.  The danger there is becoming stagnant in the role of the teenager who is now moving into Cronehood and figuring she has lost some part of her y9outh and isd trying to recapture it.  It won't work.  Heartache waits.  

Somehow we need to go back and figure out how to move into the dignity and grace of grandmother/Crone.  Have you been given thought from this ost?  Did your Ego smart?  Did you soul sigh and know it needs to go back and do some more danged work?  Probably.  I know I am always struck when I remember what I remember.  Sometimes I am struck dumb, seriously.  I continue to scroll back  with a new understanding of self as I realize I have intuitively spelled out my life.

Can you do a journal page on expressing what might have struck true to you?  My photo of my Grimoire/My Story page, shows how I sense the three stages of the archetypal stages of females.  If you look at the expressions on the faces, you see very much of my sense for each stage of maturation into the accepting/ surrendering Crone.  Can you do an art journal page, or painting, in your journal that expresses such for you?  This is all open to interpretation.  Dig deep, sister-friends.  I love you!

©Carol Desjarlais 9.2.19

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