Wednesday, September 11, 2019

You Are What You Think

“You become what you digest into your spirit. Whatever you think about, focus on, read about, talk about, you’re going to attract more of into your life. Make sure they're all positive.”Germany Kent

Everything we are, we are responsible for being.  Everything we will be, we are responsible for being.  If we do things to compromise our authentic Self, we are responsible for that.  Yes, things can happen in life, but most evolves from choices.  How we react to things out of our control, evolves from choices we make.  Being stuck in the past is a conscious choice we make.  We need to take responsibility for all these things, acknowledge that the choices either were great choices or not great choices, then get on with today so we can have a better tomorrow.

Our identity is affected by our Self-esteem.  Self-acceptance is accepting those things that might be not positive about ourselves and making an effort to change what we can.  We all have shadow sides.  We need to try and figure out how to not deny them.  Perfect people are awfully hard to be around.  We are more attracted to those who have lived, loved, had mystery and magic in their lives, have struggled and who are starting to win.  But, perfect people live on their own little cloud and are not those we should emulate because we cannot identify with them without guilt, shame, hopelessness.  Oh, there are many who say we cannot be perfect unless we do emulate perfect people.  

 Give me a perfect person and I will tell you they ride on a very fine edge of narcissism and denial and they will eventually crash and in that crash is some of our own woundedness if we have pinned our own perfection-goal to them (albeit, we knew we could not be so perfect...and they were not, and we end up despising ourselves because we wanted them to be). To not accept and acknowledge our shadows is to never give ourselves the opportunity to work on them, to heal them.  

If we listen to the voices all around us, including media, we will believe we are 'less than' and then we live 'less than'.  Some of us have weighed our past, in our present, with shadows of the negative past.  Every time we have something new, that even remotely reflects some past issue; we react as if all of it were new.  It compounds our thinking about Self in many burdening ways.  Everyone is allowed to change and have that change earned through our own personal work on those past negatives, then, to have that change accepted... by us, for us.  You are what you think.

Sometimes we need to have our goals for self to be not and wide and far.  We need to recognize steps to take to turn our negative thinking about self into positive.  Gratitude is part of this.  Yes, we may have had negative things, lots of negative things happen to us because of people, places, and things.  Yes, it hurt.  Yes it affected us, does not belong in our thinking today.  Part of being human is to progress, to change, to age, to mature.  We have been told, have experienced for ourselves, that change happens.  Why would we not be aware that our thinking should change too.  We are not that wailing sad child any more.  We are not that adventurous, mistake-making, teenager.  We are no longer that flailing failing mother.  If all else can change, why can we not change our thinking about all of this?  We can.  We should.  As we mature and learn more and more about the human condition, we realize that mistakes are opportunities to change.  We are what we think:  if you think negatively of yourself;  your choice:  If you think positively, lovingly, with deep compassion, you know why you did what you did and there is no way to change that.  But, you can change yourself and the way you think about your human, brave self.  

Can you do an art journal page about such?  In my art journal page, I had butterflies on the top, that simply ruined the painting, so I took that off and did a bit of change up.  Wait, we can change up all our mistakes, right?  Yes yes, this page is only for me, and you, to see that change is possible.  Do that!

©Carol Desjarlais 9.11.19


  1. How the words of others who are close impact us in a negative way, its been two weeks since the past once again was thrown at me. I don't live there any more!! Cutting words really go deep into me. I refuse this time to crawl. Using the children to emotionally black mail me . sure not the first time. How dare they. shame .shame . As if there is not enough to deal with. One day at a time.. these feeling are sneaky, come like a thief in the night. Bring on the peace dear Lord . Hugs.

    1. that is true, as well. Yes yes, you do not live there any more. And, those thief in the night feelings that rise up in our dark like nasty shadows of the past are very difficult to deal with... first of all, because we believe we deserve it.. until we love ourselves, the love of others will remain a speakeasy about us. Once you try to communicate face-to-face, it is difficult to try to sort anything out. We have to want to first. No one needs crawl. We are mature women and we can speak our mind. We , also know, there are stories on both sides. How miscommunication can truly wreck relationships. Hurt people hurt people. And, yes, eventually, we turn away and walk on. We have to to ever get anywhere in life. xoxoxo

    2. There is some day for them all. Ty
