Thursday, September 12, 2019

Journaling Friendship

Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend. - Albert Camus

I think that our authentic friends are mirrors of ourselves, in the good we see in ourselves, or the negatives.  It can go either way.  The true friend is longstanding, all-abiding, who changes us for the better by having them in our lives.  They inspire us.  They seek comfort from us and we seek comfort from them.  There is reciprocal compassion, understanding and non-judgment.  They know our 'whys' as well as we know theirs.

If, by now, we do not have those kinds of friends, then we need to go lookign for them.  We look for people with common interests.  Not all friends will be soul friends.  Many will be rainy day friends.  We have all known those.  There will be friendships that evolve around interests, yes, but there is always room for new and different levels of friendships.  There are acquaintances that we buiod trust with.  This is the beginning of real friendships.

Trust is huge in true friendships.  One does not have to verbalize trust, nor that they guard shared confidences because it is a given.  Respect builds, through time, and tests, tribulations and trials.  We know who is there for us and they know we are there for them.  This week, I saw a man from another province speak of such things:  in that he wrote something to the effect that, "We know her better because of all of you gathered her for her memorial."  That is really saying something that is profound.  Just like saying to enamored girls and boys, "Is this the girl you would bring home to mother?"   This holds true with friends as well.  

We all need those cheerleaders.  We all need that encouragement with no hidden agenda.  We all need someone who will tolerate our shortcomings.  We all need that one friend that will say it like it is, with no malice, with no hidden agenda, as well.  With a real friend there is no deepest need that comes from us because they seem to know what we need.  

To be a good friend, trust is built on honesty. Being able to reveal our shadow selves to another is huge.  Being vulnerable to another human being is frightening, unless they are that tried and true one that seems to have blurred boundaries of closeness.
Good friends let each other know how important they are to each other.  Love and appreciation is a huge need and we should not have to ever even earn that, in true friendships, it is there and has been proven time and time again.  

How can we show what friendship means to us?  In an art journal page, try to express friendship.  I have been playing with illustrations, a bit.  I am hoping to take a class that is offered on such.  I am sure it would build my other skills in doing so.  How about you?  Can you illustrate what friendship means to you?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.12.19

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