Saturday, September 7, 2019

Journaling Past Fear

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." - Jack Canfield

Once This River

once this river was a spring
a mere burble gushing from womb of earth
drawing new maps for new ways
to be

something takes over her
she is driven
to great rush of gather for falls
careening over rough rocks
dragging bits and pieces of float some

dear as ground down diamonds
reflecting trickle and dance
of cresting fingerling waves
in places she gathers strength

her estuaries swirl deeply
roiling and boiling    just below surface

then     revived      plunges her bidden way
reaching a somber stretch
between pastoral plains

slick- dry desert mouths
die for her rain

yes, once she learned to roar

she does 

What does fear feel like to you?  Can you find a metaphor, something that symbolizes what fear feels like to you? Can you journal what it feels like?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.5.19

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