Friday, September 13, 2019

Art Journaling Mabon

Mist blankets the morning garden and the empty fields; a last rose blooms slowly over the arbor by the backyard gate.  Paintbox leaves fall to the ground under galoshes and the wheels of slicker-yellow school buses.  Sweaters come out of cedar chests, soup pots simmer, and wild geese make their mercurial journey southward across the pale autumn sky.”- Michelle Morgan

Like trees declutter, toss their rags and tags, we, too, need to declutter at this time of year.  Mabon is the perfect time.  As this Harvest Moon, Barley Moon, Corn Moon, Chuseok Moon, on September 13.  Mabon is celebrated September 21 - 29th this year.  

   For some who follow the phases of the moon, it is time to follow the ways of Mabon and change our altars.  I will be adding my harvest doll and my broom I made of long pine needles.  As I fix my altar, I will be vigilant to be working on decluttering my body, mind, heart and soul of all the debris not needed.  I will go through my closet and put away summer things, give away things I no longer wear, and settle in for my winter.

Part of what I will be adding to my altar is a vial of water that comes from my sacred place (I have rose water given to someone for me, from the hugging goddess when she was in France. In the evening of the Full Moon, I will place a swatch of her silk sari on my altar, as well.  
There is much symbolism with this time of year.  There is a balance of dark and light, with final harvest (my concord grapes will soon be touched by frost and sweetened by it).  There will be a period of Thanksgiving, on October 14th, in Canada, and I have much to be grateful for.  I am hoping to be able to gather with my daughter and family for this, in Alberta.

It is the time of gourds ( I will be doing some gourds I brought back from Arizona, during this time.)  It is the time of gathering nuts and corn and apples and horns of plenty and autumn flowers, and colorful ribbons of leaves dancing in the cinnamon and pumpkin spice air. 

It is a time to use ferns, grains, marigold, sage, thistle, milkweed and cedar to use as medicines and to go with prayers.  It will be a month of sweetgrass, cloves, and patchouli/valerian (ah, my second signature fragrance is soon to be uncorked and used in the house).  

It is a time for brilliant reds and oranges and golds and yellows and purples and indigo.  It is a time of stones being put on the altars to carry their symbolisms as well:  Sapphires, lapis luzi, topaz, and amethyst.  

It is a time to be making grape juices, apple ciders, drying herbs and giving offerings to Mother Earth for her bounty.  It is a time for walking in the woods, to gather seeds and pods, to fish, to harvest what is left of this second harvest time.

It is time to bake bread, to roast nuts, to dry apples, to make rich soups of root vegetables, to use all the grains we can during this month, for squash and pies and all things that , when someone steps to your hearth, they are welcomed in.

 This month is the month to prepare for a long cold winter, where winter applies.  It is best to declutter one's emotions and to get rid of burdens you need not carry for long dark days.  We reap what we sow.  Our decisions have repercussions.  Give thanks and then be receptive to new ways of settling into your winter cave, as Mother Bear does, to bring about even newer things in our lives.  Start collecting things that will help you be busy during the winter.  Accept and surrender that some things must be allowed to dwindle, to pass on, to make room for empowering things and activities and use this month as a way to ensure you stay healthy body, mind, heart and soul. 

Consider these things as you make a decision as to what to do a journal page on for this topic.  I choose to do a stippling with a crumpled tinfoil ball.  Pouncing on to wet acrylic is so satisfying.  You can do this, you can! Happy Mabon to you!

©Carol Desjarlais 9.13.19

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