Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journaling a Letter to Your Heart - Ghost writing

Love is more about us being loving than about other people being lovable.-unknown

Do you truly know what non-agenda's compassion feels like?  Do you know kindness with no judgment or agenda?  Have you ever just looked at someone, not family, and felt incredible love for them?  

There are many people, even strangers, that just warm your heart, right out of the blue, and it is a glorious feeling when it happens.  When I think of this I think of this young First Nations woman.  From the moment I saw her, there was just something seriously beautiful about her.  It was way beyond her beauty, her language, her gestures.  I was suddenly, seriously, beautifully, so drawn to her.  Every week, I see her and every time, the same heart-drawing closeness, I feel.  I see her on facebook and see her posts and can peg how she is feeling that day.  She exhausts herself with service to others, I know that.  I have been benefactor of her giving soul.  I have never told her, I just know she knows that I really truly care for her.  I try to give her positive vibes when I know she has had a heavy duty week of service.  I can sense when she is sad.  I have no explanation for the feeling that she is somehow kin to me, although not really, just in feelings.  I choose to love her but have never told her, have not had too, she feels it.  I feel her.  I look at her and she moves me.  I know little of her, I just know there is something very dear in her.  She moves my heart like a daughter would.  Have you ever had this happen to you?  It is that agape love, I think.

Sometimes the hair on my neck will stand up when I am around someone, or see someone, and I remember that I have been taught to notice what the Medicine Man called "watchers".  The whole of this information is for another post, but just know, if you feel your 'hackles' rise and that prickly uncomfortable feeling around someone, just simply move away and do not look them in the eyes.  So, this is the reverse, absolutely, to agape love...this is someone you should not approach or stay near.  Have you ever felt that about a complete stranger you may pass by?  When you are in tune, you can feel how someone is feeling.  Your inner knowing can repel or draw you near.  This is something your soul knows and it is best to be in tune to that.

A while ago, an acquaintance told of leaving her partner of four years.  She is a bright little sparrow of a beautiful woman.  Her flighty personality told me that she was stressed but I did not ever ask but I wondered.  She rode with me to a meeting and she shared some of what she was going through.  I related, right to the heart, related.   She was leaving the relationship at the end of the year when she has a fairly huge lump sum coming in.  She was planning.  But, what hit me most was that she spoke of her poor choices after leaving a 31 year marriage.  She had made another poor choice and figures she will make another if she did not get it straight.  My heart hurt for her.  When we are open and not focused on our own 'stuff' we have room for those who need us to just listen so they can tell someone, anyone, how confused and hurt she was.  She was desperately in need of some compassion...someone to listen, not judge, but nurture her knowing and support her.  Have you ever had this happen?  Of course, we all have, and it is because, at that moment, our heart is completely open. 
Sometimes we have to be love, not just feel it.  Sometimes our love gives us a vision that goes beyond normal interactions with others.  If this is so, then it means that we, too, send of spiritual vibes and even our best-held emotions charge the energy around us.  Love first and foremost, those around us, enough to know that we have to heal ourselves so the energy we send out is positive.  We have enough negative vibes in the world right now.  

Journal a note to yourself (your own heart/soul) , a quote, a secret message, or the like,  in sharpie of any color.  Let it set, then do a wash of color overtop.  The sharpie ink will appear underneath as it dries.  If you want to completely block what you have written, then you can paint over and over.  You can, also, collage over top so the writing is not decipherable.  Releasing any negativity or releasing love from your very heart is moving psychic energy, You can do it,  I have faith in you.  

©Carol Desjarlais 9.26.19


  1. From the minute I saw you my sister , it was warm and comforting , safe.
    I have cried and prayed for you when you were ill. receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost telling me "she will be fine" That spirit of truth , You are my gift . No hackles but a fill in my chest. I feel that pull now to go to my parents resting place. Their spirits are with me always.Yes we can be love to many . kindness .inclusion a simple smile.

  2. Truth. Our sisterhood is choice. We are very lucky to have each other. Imagine anyone who has never felt this sisterhood. xoxoxoxo
