Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Language of Flowers



Stone drawings have flowers painting in them, carved in them, burned in them.  Some are up to 120000-year-old in Egypt graves.  In China, silk flowers were made 2000 years ago.  Why this attraction to something that is not a great food source?  Why have human beings put in an effort to frow flowers since earliest man? 

Yes, some flowers are medicinal.  Yes, some flowers represent fertility symbols.  I am wondering if it is because flowers are plants that are multi-sensory?  Most of us treat flowers as if they were our babies that need nurturing, gentle handling, need watering.  We engage with them with all our senses, even hearing in the brush and rustle of long reedy stems and leaves.  Is it, in some way, some of our only ways to fully engage with Mother Nature? 

Flowers attract humans.  They do so with color, shapes, perfumes.  Humans are attracted to flowers because they represent the possibility of growing food, in the beginning.  Now, we are conditioned to be drawn to the flowers for this same reason, but we have long forgotten the reason. 

We are drawn to flowers for the memories they evoke.  Peonies evoke images and memories of my mother.  Carnations evoke memories of my grandfather’s funeral.  Flowers draw us in with what memories we might have of them. 

We, also, cultivate and grow flowers because we want the world to be a more beautiful place.  I know that flowers make me feel at home. 

Consider reasons you are drawn to flowers, what kinds, the whys of it.  Art journal your findings in some way.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.11.23


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