Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Bring On Beltane



Beltane comes from a Celtic word “bright one” or “fires of Bel”, sun god Belenus.   This month is the month of celebration of Mother Earth and Nature as the planting begins.  Ancestors used to walk their cattle between flames of fires to make sure they were protected and fertile.  In Scotland, they still celebrate Beltane with bonfires.    It is a time of self-reflection and giving thanks for Mother Earth’s bounty.  It was also a time to set intentions for the coming harvest.

Fires were kept going in the hearths and at this time they would extinguish the fires and relight them.  Yellow flowers decorated the houses.  There were great feasts and a wish tree (a Hawthorne, Ash, or sycamore) held ribbons with wishes written on them and it was thought that the wishes would come true during Beltane.  As well, dew that gathered during Beltane was collected and used on the women for beauty and youthfulness that the dew was thought to hold.

The stones of Beltane are Aventurine, rose quartz and citrine.  Special herbs to use during Beltane are Rose, Hibiscus, Oatstraw and Nettle.  Beltane is a time of creativity so, if you paint, paint.  If you do handwork, do handwork.  If you are a great cook, bake.  If you have a green thumb, grow.  Whatever is a talent you enjoy, do that.  Build a bonfire, or light special candles.  Make a miniature maypole, wear a crown of flowers.  I remember seeing an elderly lady, beautiful, she was, and she wore a crown.  She came in and sat at the restaurant and I wsa so intrigued.  There was something glowing about her.  I stepped over and spoke to her as we left.  She explained it was Beltane.  New Hampshire will always be about that experience for me. 

Beltane is a time for fairies.  Leave little sparkly or shiny things for them in your garden area.  Make yourself some herbal infusions and add honey.  Spiced drinks are common. 

Light red and white candles during this sabbat. 

Let Beltane spirit fill you with energy and a desire to decorate with lights, to be a light wherever you go so that you attract people to you.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.2.23


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