Monday, May 8, 2023

Compromised Love



This evening, we are moving into two days of Capricorn’s influence.  It may create some problems for you to solve, especially around all relationships.

Somehow, you must try to compromise because you know your part of the problem.  Give yourself a good talking too.  It will be easy to fault-find.  Capricorn can influence you in that way.  Remember that relationships that mean much to you must be made much for you.

Don’t let Capricorn talk you into thinking that everything will go wrong and you cannot expect much from others.  Sometimes it will feel like you should and yet you have to dig up some understanding that everything according to you is not always right for everyone.  Take some time to mull things over in a positive tone.  The serenity prayer is a good one to consider these days.  Try to be flexible not skeptical.  Stay loyal to yourself, to those who matter, and to hose who should matter. 

Another thing Capricorn influence is good at is trying to get you to feel like you will never be good enough.  Do not look for others to confirm this, instead surround yourself with people who think positively of you.  Walk away from anyone who tries to denigrate you. 

Do not let what you think you have to get done override what you need to get done.  Godliness is not next to cleanliness.  Working hard does not mean you are working well.  People do not value us because we are hard workers and, if they do, they are Capricorns. 

If you find yourself struggling thee days, with Capricorn’s negative influences, read a book, watch an uplifting move, visit a sick neighbor, go for a walk in the woods.  Do something that gets you away from drama-rama and sink into it.

I will be on watch for anyone who needs me.  Just sayin’.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.8.23


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