Friday, May 5, 2023

Flower Moon and the Lunar Eclipse



Flower Moon is bright and this is the time of fulfilment of things begun at New Moon.  There is peace and love and just.  Blossoms are the reminder that all things live and die both inside and outside.  This is the time to focus in on yourself and realize, with gratitude, that some things are ending and it is as it should be.  We msut let go of thi last moon’s burdens, release those things that are in the near past, and move ahead with new freedoms.

During this full moon, you will need to be vulnerable and let those things go that you have clung too.  Everything on earth expands and grows and evolves.  Like the blossoms, once a seed growing out of the dark soil and purpose will draw them and us up out into the light.

Because there is going to be an eclipse, this full moon is more intense.  We have moved into Scorpio influence.  Scorpio means change.  Expect to change, to revise, to reorder, and to release anything, anyone, who is not for our better good.  

For the next two Scorpio days, do not get in too deeply in conversations, in thoughts, in actions.  Be careful with any alcohol or drugs that will alter your thinking.  The moon is too powerful and has the potential for making the mind-altering things too intense…more intense than you mean them to be.  Do not try to keep a tight schedule.  It is not going to happen.  Do not rush to try to fulfil everything.  That won’t happen either.  Something or someone is going to get in the way and frustrate you.  You might say or do things you do not mean to. 

It is best to keep as quiet as you can these two days.  Feel the intensity of the eclipse and the effect of such on your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.  Your shadow side will be more intense and demand attention.  Be aware of this and that Scorpio will bring the darkest of dark.  It is why to rest and refocus on what is being offered up to be released.  Be prepared to weep tears of loss, of gratitude, of joy in finally letting some of those heavy things go.  

 Blessed Be!

©Carol Desjarlais 5.5.23


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