Friday, April 8, 2022

The Sisterhood of Magic




“In our natural state, we are glorious beings. In the world of illusion, we are lost and imprisoned, slaves…Our jailer is a three-headed monster; one head our past, one our insecurity, and one our popular culture.” – Marianne Williamson


How we allow others, let alone, ourselves, to undermine us, to tell us, to insinuate, that we are not enough, is a mystery to me.  But we are all there, clouded by voices of our past, our present, our future, and we have believed, believe, will believe, because it feels better than feeling proud.  How did we come to this?  ‘This’ is self-defeating mindset.

An important lesson we have learned during this pandemic is about Truth.  Our own truth. Other’s truth.  Everyone has an opinion about something.  We focused on our thoughts about the pandemic, then we acted on them.  We acted.  Self-defeating behavior is not an action, at first.  It is a thought.  Merely a thought.  Then we act on it because we make it a feeling.  To turn around self-defeating behavior, we have to live our own truth, not our thoughts, so that we act out our glorious, wonderful, unique self. 

We project what we feel.  If we, in some strange way, can get others to affirm our thoughts, then we feel it becomes our truth.  It is not.  It is ‘just a thought’.  We, alone, get to decide what our truth is.  It is not the thought in our head; the voices we conjure up to confirm our self-defeating behaviors.  It is time to live our Truth.

In the 70s, there was a trite saying that ended up in memes, in counseling arenas.  “God doesn’t make garbage!”  Yet, we let that in to our thoughts, but turned them into negatives.  Is it easier not to forge ahead being our beautiful, wonderful, self?  Some began speaking and writing about it, but I think we did not let it sink in.

I believe it is an insult to Creator to think we are ‘not enough’.  Negative thoughts are our enemy and we have to defeat it.  When we let the truth of ‘it’ being nothing but our own thoughts, not our reality, we can begin the war on our own choice to believe such of ourselves.  We end to learn/relearn something more of ourselves.  We need to know the truth of our body, mind, heart, and soul.  When we choose to take a look, a gesture, a phrase, and are tempted to turn it into a negative, we have to gather up our weapons and begin the fight.  It is not easy to turn mindset around.  It takes time, and no battle was won in a moment, or an hour, or a day.  It takes time and we may have spend much time on feeling negatives, believing negatives, acting on those negative thoughts.  I, for one, am waging war.  I have had enough! (Pun intended)

Those we have gathered to us, our tribe, our sisters, are here as cheerleaders; as those on the sidelines saying “You can do it!”  We need each other.  We need our sisterfriends to brace our backs.  We need to turn off those voices we conjure up and turn on some really good background music – the songs of our tribe of sisters.  We all need good conversations and support.  As we lift up others, we enter the magic of finding out that we are lifting up ourselves.

We are way more than enough.  We are magic.  Believe that!

©Carol Desjarlais 4.8.22


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