Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Listing Spring's Best Feelings




"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."– Margaret Atwood


It is easy, in spring, to be able to list your Best Feelings.  Mother Nature wakens from her cold, dark, sleep.  The environment is beginning to rise.  Our minds begin to clear itself of lethargy.  Our feelings develop a sense of urgency and joy.  Our spirits, like seeds, begins to grow more gently and we are not as suppressed.  It is easy to list the things that insie us, comfort us, cause us to be grateful.

My best things begin with being able to go out, into the warmer air and begin prepping my garden for future enjoyment that is compounded by first blossoms of Spring.

1.     Upon checking the front garden, I see daffodils beginning to unfurl. 

2.    First Spring bonfires to light up my prayers and to send up gratitude for the changing season.

3.    Being able to go out without donning a mask, this spring.

4.    Opening up a new art journal for a new month’s canvas to put down these feelings of exhilaration.

5.    Seeing an older man pull out a chair for his beloved to seat herself in.

6.     Saying good morning to my partner, first thing in the morning, and knowing my presence means something to him and his to me.

7.    Trying to name the first daylight’s birds that sing the morning into being.

8.    Bumping into an old friend when on shopping excursions.

9.    New woolly socks to wear.

10.                   Springtime epiphanies that are full of future plans.

11.                   Putting away winter clothes and bringing out favorites to wear.

12.                   Memories turn to a more positive slant because you have survived another winter.

13.                   Fresh homemade bread cooking in the oven.

14.                   The smell of rain.

15.                   Finding a note in the pocket of your summer jacket.

16.                   Walking in warm spring rain.

17.                   Morning’s phone ringing to signal my daughter is on her way to work and has wonderful things to tell me.

18.                   Having a hairdresser do my hair.

19.                   Fresh new pillowcase and sheets.

20.                   Finding my first semiprecious gem in a pile of rocks at the quarry.


The list could go on and on, but I find that it is awesome to lit down a bunch of positives that begin to take over after winter.  I think, perhaps, spring might be my most favorite season because I so dislike winter ( although I could list a bunch of positive feelings that rise during winter if I chose too.) I think winter is my time of reining in my joy at things and simply putting one foot in front of the other.  Spring is a stepping out, not watching the ground, nor shielding oneself from bitter winds.  It is easier to look beyond oneself and one’s tired old winter thoughts about self.  Having done my “denning in”, I feel refreshed and healed of some of my baggage because I had time to work on them.  Everything about me wears a “bring it on!” t-shirt.

Can you list a few Best Feeling things?  Would you share them in the FaceBook Group?

©Carol Desjarlais 4.13.22


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