Friday, April 15, 2022

Making Magic: The Mystery Within




When we hear the word ‘magic’, at first, we might associate it with ‘hokey stuff’.  The kind of magic I am blogging about, today, is the mystery within.  It is the remembering, for one, that we carry the DNA of first woman of creation.  We have access to that.  Have you ever done something and realized you were never taught to do it? 

One time, when I lived up North, I was invited to a woman’s sweat ceremony.  As the keeper of the sweat prepared it for us, she was praying and then singing.  Suddenly I felt my body turning to the different directions as she spoke in phrase type singing.  She continued on and I remained outside praying with her.  When she came out, she asked me how I knew to do that and that that was the ancient way of preparing a woman’s sweat in their culture.  I had no answer, but her eyes filled with knowing until I, too, realized I had connected to something truly ancient, that my soul moved my body in an ancient movement.  It was then that I realized I had access to that ancient Divine inherited knowledge and that I had to honor that in myself.

I have several examples of inherited knowledge in my life and in my children’s and in others.  I am human.  I do not always remember that connection and I let earthly things take me through ‘stuff’, but, when the chips are really down, I remember that connection and empowered and grateful. 

We all have access to such.  When it happens, involuntarily, it is truly empowering.  You cannot will it.  It comes when your soul is ready and you are ready to know it.  Consider your timeline.  Are there examples that you may not have realized were such?

©Carol Desjarlais 4.15.22


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