Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Doubting Mind



Time to put away the conspiracy theories that try to confuse you.  Time to take a new perspective on all of life, including your inner life.

Every moment of every day, w are bombarded with messages.  Our brain has to sort and sift and reason and logic all those messages and take in what makes sense to us and discarding the rest.  We are glorious beings.  We are emerging every moment of every day and we are dragging along the messaging we receive and are acting on.

We even believe what others’ messages say about us and then our ego decides what spin to put on it and then we display what we believe of ourselves (or, rather, what Ego allows that we are).  We can be that or we can be that which is authentic.  Our thoughts are NOT who we are.  Thoughts come from Ego and most often it is influenced by language of others. 

Working on dousing the fires of negativity that comes from others is hard word.  Turn to those who speak well of you.  Gather with sisterfriends who inspire and encourage you.  You get decide who and what you believe.  Be compassionate to yourself.  Keep blocking those negative thoughts of self that others have labeled you, or that they infer.  Only you can change Ego storis and ferret out your unique beautiful truths about self. 

Be kind to your body, mind, heart, and soul.  You are beautiful.  You are magic.  You are a daughter of the divine.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.14


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