Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Spring's Silent Struggle



Spring's Silent Struggle

manna of my mothers    trumpeting in rites of spring
as if your brilliant new beginnings suggest you are the only one
who has waited long in longing's bed
often do you pale at thoughts of underworld

although I am newly moving from my reticent reality
I am both cheered and in awe that you    so fragile in appearance
approach your beautiful offerings as reason to draw near
in little family clutches      while I cannot      I am wont to shun you
wont to point my finger at you      although to do so
would cause you to gather up your cup and saucer
and return from whence you came

there are three symbols    petals    sepals      of us
who cling to changing seasons      are in need of healing
these wounds that are carried forward into near Spring
bereft of one another      bereavement clenching our guts
with mighty grief's grip      so beautiful a symbol   
of what we have lost      of what we will
eventually      forget 

how dearly you attend to those who need ministrations of hope
of having made it thus far with nothing but newly evidences
of last season's  sins      cruel manifestations of longing
for something we have only been told would come to be

my faith is fragile      damned vulnerable against frost
who refuses not to threaten    any of us
bent to ground in solemn plea    to have just one more miracle
or visitation    only to have you appear    as if in answer
both awful and awesome in your adamant angling through freezing ground
to try to pry me from this lonesomeness

I gather blossoms to place within a vase that I have made
thinking this is some signal for my two mothers      to come
and feel welcome at my table    I sip tea  and wait    hungry
at the sight of such beauty I cannot truly have

©Carol Desjarlais 5.16.15

 I loved doing this canvas artwork.

It started out with a poem that I copied on to a piece of deli paper cut, exactly, to fit printer paper.  

I had made a word document and chose a pretty font, then printed it.

After copying the poem, I sketched out the ideea of a woman looking back, not fearfulfully, but a sense of having made it through the winter.  That was my idea

I chose some background papers that would fit my idea of a blue-toned piece.  

I was gifted a box of sample, high pigment, acrylics.  They are beautiful to paint with.  They are like spreaing butter on a page.  I will definitely be using this right up.

Using all the blues in the box, I begin by outlining the face, starting to hint at shadows.

These are the blues on my palette.  As well, I used  titanium white that is another brand.

She begins to reveal herself to me.

Torn blue paper is collaged on for it a scarf, a bonnet, a head kercheif?

I continue to collage her coat.  I used tissue paper that suits, as well.  

I hope you enjoy watching these photo shots as I go along on these art pices I do each day.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.16.22


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