Friday, October 22, 2021

Khione: Are You A Frosty Person?




Frost Moon was two nights ago.  November signals the time when bitter hard frosts become more frequent, this month’s moon is also sometimes called the Frost Moon.  This is the month of Khione, the Greek Goddess of cold weather, snow and cold winds that we have absolutely no control over, nor should we have.  Some people are Khiones.  We have met them, been puzzled, been cold-shouldered away from them, and have been left shaking our heads in wonder at them.  Khione people are haughty, aloof, unfriendly, discouraging, icy cold people.  They stand out in a crowd, literally, and are unapproachable.  But, should you bump into them, there is something ‘off’ about them.  They are the epitome of ‘hurt people hurt people’.

Khione personalities are not, in the least, interested in you.  They are missing social cues and natural instinctual curiosity most people have about each other.  When they do interact, it is with great unease.  They have to maintain control in social situations and so they inflict hurt without even realizing they do so, nor do they care if they do.  They could not give a hoot about how any others are feeling because they are somehow above all that.  They give off an air of supreme self-confidence but, in reality, they could carer less about anyone’s feelings. They simply do not value anyone or anything about anyone else.  Others are merely tools and they will use you at their own discretion until they see they have ‘lost’ you and then they coldly walk away and forget about you and your feelings and, lord knows, they NEVER EVER apologize.  They do not value others enough to care or need you for there are plenty others who can fulfil what they need ( although, they will never admit to ‘needing’ anyone and espouse their independence as the ‘cure all’).

Khione people have a deeply embedded lack of trust for everyone.  They share little but might try to ferret out your vulnerabilities for later use.  They refuse to show any weakness and repel comforting of any kind.  You can tell they need it, but they repel it, totally.  They are the epitome of the Memememememe person and tend to be miserly in sharing themselves or anything of theirs.  They are most often selfish and competitive to the max. 

Khione people lack sensitivity to other human beings.  They may deflect caring on to other things, places, animals, etc. and personify those things rather than focus on humanity.  Their ability to process emotions is not natural to them.  It feels forced, if you happen to see it at all.  They repel who they see as weak, unless they need one to manipulate.  They are tough hard-shelled people.  They are the ones we see all the time; the women whose hair has not one hair out of place and it is lacquered hard to make sure none of it lets fly in the wind.  Freedom is not for them.  They wear strict, tight, formal clothing no matter what style it is.  They are hard, even if you got close enough to hug them, it would be like hugging a wall.  They tend to stand with arms folded (to keep people away).  They are ‘exact’ in everything.  They are determined, they are abrupt; they even speak in abrupt , minimal ways.  If you are allowed in their life, for goodness sakes, never make one error or show one flaw.  They can walk away and never look back.  And, if you happen to catch on to their way of being, you are gone.  They cannot bear to think anyone could ever figure them out.

Khione people are cold weather people, but, somewhere in there, of course, is the beauty and all the things they forgot they wished they could be.  Most cannot be in a relationship because they are too cold and the only way one can have a healthy relationship with them is if the Khione person seeks serious counseling.  You are in for a world of hurt if you attach to one that is not willing to change ( and change is one thing they, seriously, cannot deal with; they do not think change is necessary, never mind possible).  Of course, there are many levels of Khione personalities.  They cannot be lumped into one label, for sure.   

Be careful with yourself with a highly Khione’d person.  Life is hard enough without adding that kind of hard to your life.  Respect their wishes and let them find their own way to life if you are an everyday feeling, sensitive, forgiving, loving person.  It can make life wayyyy too hard and you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.  Be careful with you.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.22.21


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