Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Arete – The Journey Not the Goal




‘A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.’ ~Lao Tzu


"Her Alkínoös made his wife, and honored her as no other woman on earth is honored, of all those who in these days direct their households in subjection to their husbands; so heartily is she honored, and has ever been, by her children and by Alkínoöshimself and by the people, who look upon her as upon a goddess, and greet her as she goes through the city. For she of herself is no wise lacking in good understanding, and for the women to whom she has good will she makes an end of strife even among their husbands." Arete is also depicted as an intelligent and generous hostess.” -  Athena, a goddess herself, describing Arete

Arete was a queen and descendant of Poseidon.  Arete gave Odyssey protection and hospitality.  She sought excellence in all things.    She was remembered as virtuous, as goodness personified, and as feminine valor.  Her bravery and strength and wit were well-told.  Her wisdom symbolized that virtue is knowledge and study should be deeply engrained in society.  She suggests that we should not set goals, but let goals find us, therefore, not being limited by goal-setting. 

How many times have we wandered aimlessly and ended up exactly where we are?  Yes, I am where I am supposed to be, without plan, or map, or goal.  Sometimes this is the best bet.  Open your mind to experiences, to adventures, to learning that can come from just plain “happening’/allowed to happen. 

When we have an exact goal, we are most likely going to miss the journey.  Your passion will craw you elsewhere (even procrastination draws us away from what we set in stone).  Passion can drive us more and that passionate might change as we journey on.  We might end up in surprisingly wonderful places if we let go and follow intuition rather than mind-set goals. 

Dare we?  Are we brave enough?  Can we let go of conditioning long enough to go wherever it is meant you will end up?  No more guilt, shame, regret for setting goals too high for us ever to attain it and letting go seen as not a weakness but a great adventure of strength. 

Remember it is the Journey, not the certain point that we are heading for.

Grab your bravery and let’s goo!  No fear!

©Carol Desjarlais 10.5.21


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