Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Night Eagle

A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?” ~Unknown

Owls have always been mysterious with their low hooting in the night.  I heard the first one of winter the other night, close by.  I do not take it as an ominous thing, although it certainly stops you in your tracks because, in some beautiful way, I know it to be a messenger and wonder at its message.  There was no moon out so it was not a romanticized thought, but I do know it precedes change and renewal and I was drawn to listen for some time. What wisdom did it have to pass on to my soul?

The owl represents Athena, Greek Goddess of wisdom, and seeing the whole truth of things.  Within most First Nations tribes, the owl can have many diverse symbolisms.  The Sioux saw the Owl as one who speaks to the negative forces.  The Night Warriors of the Owl Society of the Lakota actually fought at night, with eyes painted black and were believed to have enhanced night vision.  To some tribes, night war to begin was signaled by their hearing the first hoot of an owl.  The Mayan people named the bird 'the Moan Bird' and also believed the owl to be the harbinger of mourning.  The Aztec and Celts both believed the Owl to be harbingers of endings, in some cases, if there was an ill person, impeding passing.  To Europeans, the owl was a death messenger and this attitude towards the owl was brought to the Americas.  

As I contemplate the message, I begin to wonder where magic and mystery is hidden in my life, right now.  What am I to be inspired to do?  What must I explore? What changes are about to happen?  

How do we gather the energy to create healing and positive changes in our life?  What part of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual changes are we asked to make as we stumble into our last years?  

Sister Owl is called The Night Eagle by many tribes.  It is thought that the Night Eagle can guide us to authentic truths to what is really going on within actions,  state of mind or hidden bits of explanation of things.  Intuition will be higher after hearing the Night Eagle.  If things are confusing, things will clear.  

There are things of mystery and magic in life.  We need to be more conscious of what our brain filters out.  Stop!  Look!  Listen!  Your intuition has something to teach you.
When the owl has something to tell you, it is easier to access that knowledge through creative endeavors, especially at night, as this owl painting was done.  

Do not be afraid when the Night Eagle signals you.  It does not mean an actual death, it means the end of something and the beginning renewed.  You will be aware of things that change in habits, in situations, in situations.  Pay attention to your dreams for the next four nights after hearing the Night Eagle. Many times, it is a departed loved one who has a message for you.  Take some time to know who and why.

If you have an owl feather, or if you can locate where the owl was perched, try to find an owl feather and it is said to put the owl feather on your altar or sacred space.
The background of this owl painting was done on a page I used as a palette paper from doing the cow.  I gave the page a green wash.  This is all done in acrylic, brown washable felt pen, and Painter's white and a black pen.  She is made with simple shapes again.  It is the painting that gives her character.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.10.19

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