Sunday, December 29, 2019

Settling In For The Rest Of Winter

“Snowflakes swirl down gently in the deep blue haze beyond the window. The outside world is a dream.  Inside, the fireplace is brightly lit, and the Yule log crackles with orange and crimson sparks.  There’s a steaming mug in your hands, warming your fingers.  There’s a friend seated across from you in the cozy chair, warming your heart.  There is mystery unfolding.”
Vera Nazarian,
The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

I want this long pause after the holidays to be like the Norwegians celebrate it.  Did you know that there is no Seasonal Affective Disorder in Norway?  Their mindset towards the rest of this winter is one of gratitude and positivity.  The Northern Lights put on their best night sky-shows.  Their word for this time is hygge, of course, which has connotations of being togetherness and being cozy, a sense of intimacy, togetherness in warmth, and a sense of inner warmth at the outlook of this New Year.  Personal contemplation happens and their world is lit with candles and cozy blankets. 

They do not see winter as bleak and depressing.  They welcome the long dark days and nights. They do not feel pitiful and they thrive during winter.  They spend time figuring out how to repair things gone wrong in the past year.  They stay in tune to each season and get the most out of them.  It is good to consider that I, too, should make the most of these next few months.  I am going to really work on my own psychological well-being and repair some hurt places I have.  I am going to learn to go out for walks, no matter the weather and enjoy seeing my frosty breath as it leaves me.  I am going to listen to the outdoor winter sounds.  How many more do I have to enjoy and it is best sooner than later.

Pre-holidays have taken their toll.  There are decorations to pack away.  The house needs some good deep cleaning but I have made plans with someone who will come wash walls and do a good deep clean for Spring.  There are letters of thank-you to send out.  There is some self-care to take care of.  I need to set up and promise self to follow them in this new decade.   This is a time to call and renew friendships.  This is the time to consider a great theme for art journaling and setting up my day planner and purse planner.  I want to set a theme for this year.  Last year was not to body shame and I have come to that without too much struggle.  It is what it is.  As well, I want to arrange and plan for things to keep life exciting and pleasurable.  I have saved The Testament to read through January.  I have afghans to crochet and art ideas I am going to plunge into for this new year, for January. 

Yes, attitude change, gratitude, learning to enjoy the rest of winter.  Those are good things for me to do as I throw out the trash of last year and start out renewed.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.29.19

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