Sunday, December 1, 2019

Season of Open Doors

“She knocked and waited, because when the door was opened from within, it had the potential to lead someplace quite different.” ― Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Since I have been art journaling and painting, seriously, since 2005, I have learned so much.  I have so much more to learn.  Every new art journal/painting book is a new doorway to experimentation and energy to gather.  I have chosen a doorway to dress up December's Art journal/painting book.  It is a simple  ten dollar 9 1/2 x 12" sketch book from Walmart.  They are spiral, which matters to me since I do not enjoy trying to deal with a two page spread and the centerfold. Also, being spiral, it allows for mixed media pages without losing shape.   The cover is sturdy enough to be able to affix heavier objects and hold them.  The pages are typical sketchbook paper, so gesso is used on most pages, to prime them.  

The background of this page is masking tape strips over whole page, where the strips are taped down vertically.  I, then, painted the page a dark gray, used some paper towel to wipe it down and give it a streaky, vertical look.  I, then used a darker gray to add a grungy look to it.

I made the door out of a piece of scrap cardboard.  I drew the door shape out, drew the slats to the door, painted the door black and then burnished it with a bronze, then cut each slat out and glued it to the painted background, leaving a small space between each slat.  

I made a couple of crossbars out of the same cardboard and painted them black, dried, then affixed them on to the door.  

I had a couple of small conch-like shells I used as hinges and glued them down in the hinge spots.

I have a container of old buttons and I used some that we similar on top of the door, for interest.

The door latch is an old clip off of a piece of elastic that was used to hold up nylon stockings.  Yah, recycling.  

I, then painted the latch, hinges and buttons black, then used a bronze, again, rubbing with paper towel to get a burnished look.

I had an odd piece of oval netting and cut it out and used it as a door label.  I used a gold pen, and white gel pen, to add dots and interest to the door.

We know all the old adages about doors, and this becomes the reason for a portal to my December art journal.  Within will be new experiments with, perhaps, all having a December theme through adding ephemera, etc., to give each page that touch of December.

I approach this season in a totally different way, this year.  We will not be snowbirds headed to Arizona due to health reasons.  We may make a short trip or two across the line, but nothing major.  Rather than be all sappy about it, I look forward to decorating, to baking, and to enjoying this season with gusto.  When you consider that 81 is the average lifespan, I should have 9 left to celebrate and celebrate I shall. 

I have worked ahead a week so that I do not feel the crunch to get something done in a day or two.  I will explain my techniques as I go along; the ones that worked and the ones that won't.  I hope you join in.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.1.19