Saturday, December 7, 2019


Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.
~ Janice Maeditere, Heart of Christmas

This is a plant that originates in Central America and the sap was once a medicine for fevers used by the Aztecs.  Of course, Christianity came and claimed the plant a holy plant for its star-shaped leaves and red, that symbolized to them, Jesus' blood.  It was called Poinsettia because an US Ambassador, in the 1800s, to Mexico brought some back and grew them, and, of course, the real meanings of the plant and its medicine were soon lost to Christmas big business.

Once the Aztec used this winter-flowering plant , called 'cuetlaxochitl" use the red leaves for dye for textiles and face makeup. The sap is actually what we know as latex. 

Once Christianity clutched the plants, legends became passed around.  One is about a poor girl who had no gift to give baby Jesus nativity scene.  She only had a clutch of the weeds she picked to give and her little friend told her that even the smallest give was a gift of love.  When she placed the weeds in the nativity scene manger, the weeds burst into bright red leaves and all thought it was a miracle. 

Many Christmas symbols come from ancient times and were absconded by religions to become part of the Christmas Story.  The early peoples decorated their houses with greenery to freshen up the air in the house, to add color and very often symbolized eternal life because they do not die out.  Since the Poinsettia grows in Madagascar, as well,  the plant became brought around the world, for its beauty, no longer for its medicines.  At first the Catholic Church banned the use but in the 600 AD, Pope Gregory gave in as long as they could use it in Christian symbolisms.  

Thus do we have the Christmas Flower and the National US Poinsettia Day on December 12. 

There are several Youtube tutorials on painting the poinsettia and I watched several and then tied in to paint one.  Having a dark background to start with, helps.  I then put out every red acrylic, ink, pen, I had and I set out to paint it,  I used turquoise for light and used a white painter's pen to do the berries.  I did not have a yellow pen that would add to the berries so I used a yellow highlighter.  I did lots of dry brushing and scrubbing to get textures and shades and lights to the leaves. 

It is quite easy once you watch the tutorials. Go to YouTube and search for poinsettia tutorials.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.6.19

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