Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Little Drummer Boy

The song lyrics are said to be based on an old Czech carol, but there are some things about Little Drummer Boys we should know.

In the 1900s, drums and Drummer Boys were used to give drum signals that told the soldiers the next move.  They were important to the Civil War and the youngest Union Drummer was twelve years old.  We can only guess, but, it would seem that the Drummer Boys were in incredible first danger because they were the communication for the warriors.  The Civil War was called "The Boys' War" because there were so many young boys as drummers and as soldiers in that war.  They were important and when they were not drumming in a battle, they were used as Boy Fridays.  They did many menial tasks that the other older soldiers were not required to do.  They helped in the frontline medical areas, and do the gruesome tasks there.

The drummer boys only carried their drums.  They did not have weapons.  They were truly victims, and many were sacrificed.  This is what they represent in the nativity story.  They tended to move back into the back of the push forward once they had called the troops. 

A mother's worst fear was that their young boys would follow the soldiers and try to become Drummer Boys.  "Johnny Shiloh" was 9 years old and became one who represented the stories of the Drummer Boys.  Johnny Clem/Johnny Shiloh, was said to be at the battle of Chickamauga, in 1863. He eventually became a general.  

The Carol of the Drum, was rewritten by a woman, from America and the Little Drummer Boy become more well-known as the Von Trapp family recorded it in 1951.
The Little Drummer Boy is a song that should reflect what it means to be vulnerable but courageous, and the song should remind us that no gift is too small to give.

May you remember these little boys and what they truly meant in America, as well as what the Drummer Boy was used to represent giving of the Nativity.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.25.19

 Brother's friends from the North

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