Saturday, December 28, 2019

Happy Romjul

One should be four years old at Christmas time
 And know a girl who was nearly five,
And both should dress up with masks
And visit Grandmas’ house in costumes.
 It would be in the middle of the day
And the road would be easy to walk,
And all dogs should stay indoors And there would be no cars on the road.
 And if there were other children on the way
Who made fun and wanted to come along, Then, one should have a brother in fifth grade
Who cleared the way, so we could walk in peace.
And the Grandma-house should be asleep
And nobody should look through the curtains until we could tip- toe through the hallway
And put the masks on before, we knocked.
One should be four years old at Christmas time
with Christmas lights shining all day long
where the world was a house with four walls,
And happiness was a Grandmas’ lap

The Norwegians had ways to keep the holly-jolly going through Boxing Day to New Years.  They celebrate Romjul.  Rom means 'room/space'.  Jul is Yule.  They have an extended holiday called Christmas Space before Nyttar.  Nyttar means new years. 

They, like us, use this time to exchange gifts but, they also do 'thank you' notes during this time.  Of course, their stores have after the after-Christmas sales.  As well, this is a time to go through their things and have a yard-type sale.
Don't let the happiness dissipate easily.  Make some new traditions.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.28.19

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