Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Virgo Kind of Day



Virgo’s influence will have you feel a bit detached, a bit lonely, a bit isolated even when you have others around you.  There are some things we are powerless to deal with.  We can feel burdened by some things but we have to love what and whom and where we can and let some things go by the way.

Carry Selenite around with you today.  The high vibrations of Selenite can lighten your load.  For those who are aware of past lives, be aware, you will have flashes today.  You are being healed by the ancestors.

Today, work on being practical and logical.  It is new moon and you need to try to stop overthinking things.  Go outside as much as you can today and find some creative things you can do using things of Mother Nature.  Mother Nature will ground you, soothe you, bring you back into the Present and the presence of great love.  This is a new moon on the rise and a time for new beginnings.  Organize what you can, prepare for winter.  Tie up some loose ends.  Stay occupied. 

You may have lost faith in some human kind.  Stay clear about who, what, where, and when, oh, yes, and why.  Keep it specific and where it belongs.  Do not project.  Empaths need to keep themselves in check today.  There is a time and a place and maybe Creator is not finished with some yet, of course.  Don’t get in the way.  Keep your emotional boundaries in check.  We are sensitive today and things can get complicated.  Stay tender but go out and away from the hustle and bustle, again, and go out into Nature.  Tonight, the Northern Lights ought to be fantastic again, for those in the western Hemisphere.  Make note to get up in the middle of the night and see if you get blessed by the ancestors, if you can. 

©Carol Desjarlais 9.19.23

 unfinished virgo art.

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