Sunday, September 17, 2023

In The Business of Self-Preservation



“Mother's latitude loosens,
she shakes out her hair,
gets down to the business
of repair—

of tidying up the mess
we've left in her living room.”

Jenny Noble Anderson, But Still She Flies: Poems and Paintings

Mother Earth is going through some massive changes, and, so, we do as well.  Mother Earth is showing her anxiety.  As do we.  Mother Earth is in the act of Self-Preservation.  As are we.  We have to try to do all we can to keep some semblance of balance. 

It is really easy to get overwhelmed with the way things are.  We do not have to do it all alone.  Seek support wherever you find it.  We are vulnerable.  Being resilient means that we need others in order to see clearly through the chaos, betimes.  We are all carrying heavy loads of some kind or other.

We cannot control everything whether we think we ought to be able to or not.  Simply put one foot in front of the other and take care of your own business first.  Nature will do what it does.  Others will do what they do.  You are only responsible for you.  Never mind the outcomes right now.  Be content with what you can do.  Be at peace.  Find ways to stay centered.  Whether it is meditation, whether it is ceremony, whether it is arting or crafting, whether it is simply sitting in nature, find places and ways to find that peace. 

Focus on what is truly meaningful to you.  Organize things so you cut down on clutter within your home.  Find ways to declutter your mind.  Having things sorted around you helps you sort things within.  Reuse.  Recycle.  Repurpose.  Too0 much ‘stuff’ is not good for body, mind, heart and soul.  Give away.  In fact, giving releases endorphins just like exercise does.  Find a charity and donate your time, your ‘stuff’.  Seek pleasure in such things.

Prioritize time to simply take care of you!  Balance will come as you do.  Learn to say “No!” more.  Do not let people, places and things suck the life out of you.  Learn to have naps.  Learn to block out time, somewhere, somehow, to simply be YOU!  We are nor programmed to say No easily.  Sometimes it takes courage.  It is adamant that we put ourselves first sometimes and this be the time.

Our very soul needs nourishment, needs comfort, needs calm.  If we practice being more ‘Self” conscious in positive ways, we can learn to know what real peace amidst chaos can feel like.  Mother Earth is trying to save herself.  We need to save ourselves as well.

Do that, sisterfriends.  Do that!

©Carol Desjarlais 9.17.23


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