Saturday, September 16, 2023

Always Darkest Before Dawn



Hello darkness, my old friend    I've come to talk with you again” - Paul Simon, The Sound of Silence

Heavy sweet scent of sandalwood in the dark night of New Moon has  lessons for us today:  Lessons about relationships and how this might affect you.

Really watch your ego (Evil Inner witch) as things that seem out of your control and apply stress on your relationships.  If you have ever felt like you were hard to deal with, this might be the day.  Stress to the max!

This stress can cause headaches, and body aches that will last for a few days.  Watch out for the new Omicron Flu that is going around.  You may feel a chest cold coming on, or become full blown.

 Make sure you seek out positive people that make you feel comfortable and bring laughter to heal you.  Man, how true this all is for me.  I do have a major lung congestion and sinus infection that comes and goes at its own whim.  I am making sure I hang with those who uplift me for I have had one heck of a summer. 

Oh, btw, watch your driving today.  There could be a traffic ticket in wait for you.  Keep all the traffic rules.

Carry a garnet around with you today to help remind you to stay present and to remain calm. Do not ‘get into it’ with any of your relationships.  Let it be for now.  It will sort itself out better if you stay out of the mix.

Fall into comfort with relationships that are easier, just now.  Be selfless in the relationships that do not demand anything of you, is supportive, allows for you to simply be at the surface rather than feeling like dredging up past hurts, wounds, and things that have made you feel victim to their circumstances.  Again, it will sort itself out.

Go stand out in the dark and let darkness suck the stress out from you.  Allow it to be released into the deep night where it will dissipate and allow you rest.

Today marks the end of Mercury retrograde… thank goodness.  Libra moves in on the 23rd.  Work on ways you self-sabotage for these net few days.  Deal with some unprocessed grief and the anger that rises within due to it.  Face those things and get through them so you can get a new start for the 23rd.  Quietly process what you have been through lately.  As Mercury retrograde ends, it is like we can finally breathe.  We are moving into a new beginning.  Let that happen.  Don’t drag conflicts and controversy into your Present.  It is dark right now and do not let darkness be your master.  Let it be!  Start again. 

©Carol Desjarlais 9.16.23


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