Saturday, September 2, 2023

Something In The Universe



I am sure, many of you have noticed there is something in the air with relationships this last while.  It is no coincidence that relationships have been a bit bizarre.  Not only bizarre, but relationships really struggling and relationships ending.  It is like relationships are in chaos, surprising chaos, and, if we know even a little bit about astrology, we know what is the driver to these chaotic relationships.  Venus has been in retrograde and remains so until just tomorrow.  It does not help that Leo has been in the mix.  It is also, comforting to know tomorrow is the last day of these influences and things are going to get better.  Thank God!

When Venus has been in retrograde, it means that Venus seems to go backwards in its orbit.  This impacts relationships at a huge scale.  So many relationships struggling and ending.  Being in Leo does not help, to be sure.  Leo is dramatic and so the endings and problems in relationships  will be around great dramatic turmoil.  This has been going on and building for some time and there seems to be a pattern in relationship problems as one after another comes into introspection because of that ‘bizarre’ aspect of struggles.  Venus in retrograde began July 22 and any relationships with even a bit of vulnerability began to come into play.  But TOMORROW brings hope. 

Tomorrow things change and your vitality will blossom.  Hopefuly we have cleared out the bits and pieces discovered as we were reflective and found ways to progress with or without relationships that once meant so much to us.  We need to really work, now, on balance, especially since August 30th Blue Moon where we were the most sensitive and were able to allow for the release of friendships and relationships that needed releasing.  Tears and strains of the chaos that built has helped to purge what needed purging.  In a way, we have reset our way of being in relationships as we learned the lessons we were taught, although many might have been painful, disorienting, and, yes, as I said “bizarre.  We need, now, to really look at what, who, we love; how we love, why we love; and begin creating stronger bonds with those not involved in the chaos.

Aries aligns with Venus at noon so explore what makes you feel loved and love.  Really think about loyalty. Now is the time to keep busy and stay out of the fray of dysfunctional relationships.  Pay attention to those who would bring, or try to bring, chaos and drama, and set strong boundaries to end it.  Spend time with those who support, care and empower you. 

©Carol Desjarlais 9.2.23


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