Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Challenge of Month #9




The vibration of the number 9 is abound in this 9th month. Transitions and endings are in the mix.  This month is the month of lessons, gifts and challenges that destiny has always had in store for you.  What have you learned?  Have you been open to the gifts that follow if you meet the challenges with your strength and courage tucked closely to your soul?  This month is all about your destiny, so things can be serious, and must be resolved according to your own personal coping skills that you have learned throughout your life.   Today is a very lucky day as it is associated with eternity. 

Do you find you cannot be pleased with anything you do?  Is your perfectionism getting in your way?  This first week of Venus/Leo signals new beginnings, a time you can catch your breath and see some light during this shadow month.  Finances will improve during these next few weeks.  Jupiter is in retrograde so we will spend time reevaluating and prioritising financial issues and nonfinancial issues so that we put what is non- material at the top of the list.   Clarity and insight will come after the storm.  Some logic will enter the shadows and you will find strength beginning to return.  And joy will begin to return as well.  Man, do I need this as the conflict with the Chinese Tai Sui and the beginning of the Fall season’s ups and downs, keeps us restless and racing like a horse before more storms hit.  We all need to be careful of sabotage during these next few weeks.  Try to be in a crowd and do things that are uplifting find your sense of humor again.  This will boost your self-confidence again, if you have found it lacking.  Horses are often running ahead of storms.  Watch carefully for things that will come to disrupt your jy and exuberance.  I have had a talk with the horse, myself, and am finding some strength from that.  This month is one of storms and its influence on you.  I have most definitely been trying to keep ahead of storms for the past month or so.  I have been an angry stomping horse as the threat of storms threaten to change things in my life that I hold dear.  I am still running before the storm. 

I am looking forward to the season finally giving birth to some calm and peace. Being enmeshed in turmoil that does not belong around me, that has been wracking havoc in my environment, and cost me, emotionally, dearly, is starting to resolve.  “Not my monkeys, not my circus” has to be my mantra yet.  I am counting the days to go home (southern Alberta) and be around supportive, loving, compassionate people of my own tribe.  That, alone, is dragging me along, keeping me from being totally overwhelmed. 

Bring it on!  Venus’ influence of following our hearts, will be magnified and we learn to not care about what other people think, about our decisions.  We must follow our heart.  Things of the heart should resolve by September 14th.  I cannot wait.  I am waiting out the storm.  How has August and September been for you?

©Carol Desjarlais 9/9/23


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