Monday, July 15, 2019

ThunderMoon Frigg

The full moon is on July 16th.  Let the Thunder Roll, indeed.  The Algonquin called it so because July can have some magnificent thunder storms.  The Cherokee called it "Ripe Corn Moon".  The Zuni called it "When Limbs Of Trees Are Broken By Fruit".  All names of full moons have descriptive names, of course.  The Norse Goddess Frigg is the Goddess that rules at this time.  Here are a few things to consider and however you celebrate, if you do celebrate, Full Moons, here are some ideas to consider.

The Goddess of this full moon is Frigg (also known as Frida, Frea, Frigga).  Frigg is a Norse Goddess of Destiny, love, love relationships, and Magic.  She is a domestic goddess and reigns in women's houses as well.  She was a weaver and she is known to weave fates and destinies but never alters either for others.  She is in charge of divination and shape-shifting. Frigg is a tender and compassionate goddess.  Many evoke her for birthings and she is a true romantic in trying to have us fall in love and to find partners.  Very often Frigg is depicted with stag's horns, (for Buck Antler Moon) for this is the time that the antlers are in velvet.  She is shown with spinning wheels, spindles, mistletoe and shafts of grain.  She is eclectic, but, again, gentle and compassionate mother.

For this month you will be happy but you will be a very deep soulful person that feels all the thunder and lightning storms within.  You do have a dark side but keep it well hidden.  One thing to watch for is that you may be a catastrophist of future events.  You are intuitive but you may find that you over think more and you may tend to not see the positive right in front of you in the present.  You may find that you take what others say way too personally.  It is not always all about you.  You may find mood shifts come often and you need to take care that you do not over-express more of your dark side than bright side. 

This is the time that those who pick medicines will pick Wort/Wyrt plants, will gather sheaves of hay, and will gather honeysuckle and hyssop.  The colors on altars should be silver and blue-gray.  You may find others gathering waterlilies as offerings for the little people who dance during this time.  On your altar, place pearls, moonstones, and quite agates for peace within and peace without, for healing, for help.  You need to develop and let rise, your most relaxed body, mind and soul.  Keep a dream log during this time as you may find yourself really dreaming awesome dreams that have meaning and it is good to consider those meanings the following day.  Work on considering goals and options.

Celebrate this month with mead, with dancing, with listening to beautiful relaxing music and meditation tapes.  If you have a drum, drum.  If you have a crystal Bowl, make your own healing music.  If you have Tibetan bells, ring them.  At best, put up some beautiful tinkling wind chimes near a window or door of you house so the air can move them.

Harvest is coming.  Weather the storms.  Find ways to be happy as you work and to find time to relax.  Blessed Be this full moon, sister-friends.

©Carol Desjarlais 15.7.19

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