Sunday, July 14, 2019

My Gods

My Gods

there is a child whose fingers have grown
into wire caging     whose tears
no longer stain her face
whose little cries are drowned out by hawks
screeing through desert air like a threat

she is my god

thee ia mother    or nearly mother
holding her belly as if it were a bowl
speaking only to it
she whispers of their Somewhere Else
being the only safe place
before you come screaming
on to tinfoil wrap
meant to keep her warm in desert's cold

she is my god

there are my sisters      brown as beans
laying broken in gullies
in ditches, under trees and floating like dead fish
in cold mountain streams
along Hell's Highway
where cast-off red dresses
lay crumpled where they had lain
their voices speaking dirt and sand
pine needles and driftwood poems
so dark they will turn us all into stone

these are my gods

there are brothers    who march
like little toy soldiers off ships and planes
that have shark teeth painted on their noses
who take to sand like it was a terrible home
they return to for whatever reason The Man deems his right
for oil and land that will one day be taken
by other toy soldiers   and people scramble
like ambushed ants      from anthills alive
with the gain of their guard
because they are loyal to a land of their own
because someone bigger and better than them     
so they said      so they taught them   to scurry
while the big men holler after them to go     to go

these men are my gods

and a child dies of heat stroke
and a baby is spilled out into sand
and sons of other mothers  are blown to bits
because someone bigger or so-called better
left them to their own
to live or die

these are those who have that something divine in them
in their living     in their deaths
and we     should have no other gods
before them
in service of some kind      as scapegoats     as subjugates
our surrogates     in simply living to die
and dying to live      like gods

©Carol Desjarlais 7.3.19

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