Monday, July 22, 2019

How to Feel At Home In Your Own Skin

“The moment will arrive when you are comfortable with who you are, and what you are– bald or old or fat or poor, successful or struggling- when you don't feel the need to apologize for anything or to deny anything. To be comfortable in your own skin is the beginning of strength.”
Charles Handy

Do you realize what makes you unique?  It is your authentic soul.  If you do not feel at home in your own skin, then you may have abdicated your authenticity for something other than Soul-Self.  What is it about you that leaves a lasting impression on others?  Are we all cut-out paper dolls with different dresses?  Have we become so like others that we do not stand out?  I, for one, do not ever want to be the bleating sheep amongst other bleating sheep.  It is part of my identity to NOT blend in.  To even dress in a way common to most goes against my grain, my authentic self.

I had to learn to accept self, however self expressed itself.  Conformity was never part of who I have been.  I have something special to offer as a gift back to the world, to Creator.  I have developed a deeper sense of who I am, by not completely conforming, by being authentic.

Every decision we make must come from authentic self, not Ego self, not because you are conforming.  It can be difficult because in some ways we must conform to society, to culture, to certain other areas in our life.  It is a fine balance and to make the wisest decisions, we have to truly know who we are, what we absolutely need, where we want to be.  To be comfortable in your own skin, you have to develop stronger sense of authentic Self. When we are true to ourselves, we do not have to sweat making decisions.  I know I struggle with this.  I can break out in a sweat when I have to make decisions that are important to me.  I need my immediate actions and reactions to come from a strong sense of Self and who I am and where I want to be.  I need to have such a strong sense of self that my subconscious is allowing its authenticity.  My whole identity will be authentic so I do not need to sweat.

When we have trouble making deep connections with others, when we stumble and choose people to be around that are not worthy of us, when we are discouraged by others point of view about us, when we are being belittled or being badgered by others to be other than we are, we have to remember we are adult.  We need to develop relationships with those who see us as rare and beautiful soul.  We need to be around people who are not rebelling just to rebel against society, etc.  We need to be around those who have proven they can be trusted with our soul.  We need genuine people in our tribe.  We need people who encourage us to walk towards new possibilities no matter what the EIW says.  We need thriving people who help us thrive.  These kinds of people love even our skin.  They will feel like "HOME" to us because we feel at home to ourselves.

We will feel at home in our skin when we realize our worth.  Our inner thoughts of inadequacy and failure and being not enough, erodes sense of self.  I posted a gif yesterday about a butterfly not feeling guilt that it was a caterpillar.  Yes, we transform.  Yes, sometimes we fail sometimes we succeed.  Why do we focus on our failures?  Why do we focus on past self when we are no longer that person?  I am not that person I was a moment ago.  I am relearning how to deepen this new sense of self.  I broke August 27th, 2005.  I have been rebuilding myself since then, slowly but surely.  I know I had value before.  I know I have more value now that I have learned what not to pay attention to.  We reap what we sow, yes?  My confidence is building.  My self-confidence is building again.  I am grateful for so many more things.  I refuse to do things that overwhelm me, until I can gain control over self enough to do them.  Tiny steps, betimes.  I work hard on the thoughts, the actions, the reactions, to life and its events, so that I come from a positive frame of mind.  I am learning to shrug off criticisms that I should not own.  I, constantly, question what is right for me, what I need to change, and who I need to be in new situations.  I am weeding out the old weeds that kept me from thriving.  I am glorifying the events that happen that push me to thrive.  (i.e.:  my paternal families finding me in this great big world and how wonderful it feels to have contact with both maternal and paternal birth families.  What a blessing it is to my soul.)  I am offering my help with another adopted DNA cousin so he might find this wholeness as well.  It is, in valuing my worth that I become more worthy. I feel a purpose.  I know my part in that purpose.  I give back what I receive.  That is my worth...well, part of my sense of worthiness and worth.  

Knowing what is your inner self, your authentic self, puts your life in better balance and you can take the hard times, the times you don't succeed, into yourself and learn the lesson more easily.  People who are on the same path will be attracted to you.  Water finds its level. We are mostly water.  I can buy that thought.  When we are working on building our Inner connection to soul, we become more confident.  It will show.  You will be more willing to step out of your norm and begin growing soul more deeply.  Your path will be easier to discern.  You will make decisions based on authentic soulful self.  You will feel at home in your skin.  I wish you this, sister-friends.  I wish us all this!

©Carol Desjarlais 7.22.19

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