Sunday, July 28, 2019

Heartache Perspectives

what is stronger
then the human heart
which shatters over and over
and still lives
-"the sun and her flowers" - Rupi Kaur

Heartache makes you or breaks you.  You get to decide.  Well, kind of.  Maybe something deep within decides because my worst heartbreak was losing Man Hands.  I broke.  Yes, I now, I have written that before, but it was a profound event in my life.  I will never be the same.  Some wiring changed in my brain, I think.  Some synapses are not snapping.  I was crazy and insecure, vulnerable and felt violated by God.  Emotional pain takes its toll on body, mind, heart and soul.  I researched what grief/heartache does to the brain.  Here are some things I know, now:
Stress and acute emotions of grief, etc. make the brain move into hyper mode.  As the brain feels the acute emotional sense, it collaborates with the physical body and the brain, then, release more adrenalin and cortisol and this is why it feels difficult to breathe, and can have you feel nauseated.

The brain, body, mind and soul are all at war with the acute grief, etc.  You cannot think straight.  You cannot make decisions, because everything is haywire wired up there in your brain.  You cannot make choices and decisions.    You go a little bit, in my case, a whole lot, of craziness.  The closest we can come to this feelings is when recovering addicts are fresh off a drug or alcohol and they go through withdrawals.  The longer the relationship, the deeper the relationship, the more dopamine is released.  Then, to have that abruptly change, is crucifying.,  Believe me, I know that wounding well.  

When you are in the middle of all the hurt emotions, you begin making safe paths in case it happens again.  For a while, you will be ultra sensitive.  This is when the waves of grief return.  Perhaps the blessing of old age is that life makes us more resilient due to these paths that have been forged before.  Our perception changes from total breakdown to at least a little hope for we have been 'here' before.  Our subconscious remembers the paths we took to conquer our emotional wounds.  If we have worked through them, without crutches of any kind, there is more hope for our future woundings.  I guess we are being prepared.

Grief is an unconscious thing happening in the brain.  We may notice the effects, we might not realize how learning the lesson of the grief can help us when we need to go through it again.  Ride through it.  Gain the perspectives with each new grief so that when a bigger one comes along, or a similar one, we do not cloud one grief with another one from the past.  

This is not THAT one, this is a new one.  Perspectives can keep us in the Present and feel Present emotions not old one.  Tough but so.

©Carol Desjarlais 7.24.19

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