Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our Inner Companion

1. Explore a deeper connection to your soul.
2. Live a more spiritual life.
3. Have a better understanding of your... journey.
4. Figure out your next step.
5. Discover where your  [thoughts]...come from.
6. Learn why your soul chose this life.

Soul Prompts: Finding and Hearing Your Inner Voice

Our Inner Companion can be squelched by our mistrust of the negative Inner
Voice (Evil Inner Witch:  Ego).  We need to do some deep soul-searching to discern what voice is our soul and which voice is our Ego.  We have learned to question soul/intuition.  But we have let the EIW have reign with us.  We need to be compassionate with ourselves.  We have let our EIW simply knock us down, moment by moment.  We need to learn to listen only to the gentle voice of soul.
Yes, we have flaws.  Yes we have short comings.  But, rather than enable our negative thoughts, we need to empower our soul/intuition.  I am so tired of giving in to that negative voice.  Aren't you?  

How often have you contemplated why someone is the way they are?  I have long said I seek the WHY of someone's actions.  I was trained to do so.  My career was based on this.  Why do we not turn that on ourselves?  I have kept so busy that I do not have much time alone for that is when my EIW runs rampant.  What I needed to do was sit with myself and when a thought comes, follow that thread back to the original voice.  That voice was NOT my soul.  That voice belonged to someone else.  We should think of ourselves as our own best friend.  The EIW will absolutely throw a fit and fall in it and drag us with it, if we let it.  

One thing that has helped me find my authentic self, in the past, was being around people who were my kind of tribe.  As we age, we will be more and more isolated.  There is time enough for that.  While we can, we need to find ways to stay involved and find more of our tribe.  Look for positive people.  Look for people whose soul is a matured as your own.  Look for friends and develop your tribe, one person at a time until there is no room for loneliness and alone time for the EIW to thrive.  Find people who bring out your beautiful soul.  Find people who can help you drop your defenses.  Be around people who support your goal of knowing who you really are (not who your Ego would like you to be for its own purposes).  The more positive soulful people we are around, the more we will learn, and be supported in, finding our own inner companion that will hold us through the last long years.

We know who is judgmental and negative to and for us.  We know who supports and encourages us towards deeper soul meanings.  We know who is aware of our personal strengths and who knows us so well that they help us to develop a deeper understanding of Self.  At some point, when we do connect deeply with our own soul/soul companion, we will no longer be victimized by our own decisions and thoughts, we will no longer be vulnerable to people who would tear us down, and we would no longer be and feel helpless in critical decision-making.  

Oh, Ego will rebel the moment you try to make changes to your own attitude about self.  It will have us feel like no one can be trusted...let alone our own self.  It will whisper  all sorts of negative things to you as you turn your ear away from EIW.  Yes, there will be resistance.  But, are we not stronger than that negative inner voice?  Of course we are.  We choose which voice to listen to.  

When we empower our Inner Companion, that is soul, we will build our soulful intuition.  We need to look at our childhood and understand what we took in and made part of our identity.  We were too young to perceive with wise eyes of an adult and there were circumstances that were forced on us.  The more vulnerable we were as a child, if we do not sort these things out, as an adult, then we will remain in a child's ideology of our own power.  Are we still trying to prove ourselves worthy because, as a child, we had something happen that made us feel unworthy?  Do we have to carry that on as adults when , now, we have discernment of an adult?  Are we afraid to trust, to risk, to take a stand because our EIW was made so strong that it thinks it is in control?  It/EIW/Negative Inner Voice is only able to have any control we allow it to have. 

It is never selfish of us to make soulful decisions that mean that we are choosing what is best for our soul.  We need to seek our own authentic self.  There is nothing more authentic than our soul.  Ego is not authentic.  It is past.  It is still a temper-tantrum-throwing child.  Our Inner companion needs strengthening because we have a long haul here as we climb that last mountain.  We need to seek what makes us feel whole, healthy, loving, serving women.  As we strengthen our Inner Companion, we will never ever feel alone.  

©Carol Desjarlais 7.21.19

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