Monday, November 5, 2018

We Know Wars We Remember

We know wars     we remember
stumbling across cobblestones
terror streaking before us
spines shivering us forward
deafened by dirge of drums
ears stopped by impact
of a thousand thousand guns

We know wars     we remember
flap of flag on dead men's furrows
acrid scarves wrapped
against our reason for screams
half-blinded by sour stench
of those who wished to die
blood and sucking mud hanging onto soles
daring us to try to drag ourselves
to more dangerous knolls

We know wars     we remember
relentless mosquitoes and sweating trees
tunnels in tropical greens   yellow with fever
afraid of stars and shining things
devastated by shadows slipping in silence
carving fear on our skin
that would be scarred by secondary memories

We know wars     we remember
you were sons     struggling to see
through veils of sand    where even shrubs
could hide a barrel    holding hearts in our hands
offering gifts of our bravest    to end
whatever must be ended

We know wars    we remember
our soldiers coming home to heave
in silent hysteria at what had been seen      been done
trying to drown voices of both friend and foe
wanting life as much as death
waging war against angst and armies
of most evil empires that strip a man raw
when not even sleep can douse fires

We know wars     we remember
what no poppy or flag or medal or metal
can aptly signify draped dreams
after stinking smell of rotting things
is no longer on active battlefield

We know wars     we remember
that there will always be commanders and chiefs
patrons and passions who wish to wrangle control
bartering with widow's pensions and private's paltry pay
to simply make a point    at what cost
what worth a terrified young heart full of courage
what wrongs could ever be righted by saying war was won
what rings a wrathful hollow bell
in those who went  pink-cheeked and prideful
only to return to fight again

We know wars     we remember

©Carol Desjarlais 11.5.18

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