Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November 23, 12:39 A.M. EST - Mourning Moon

Mother Earth prepares for the hard cold month.  She is letting go of her greens and golds and reds and all the lush of glorious things of previous seasons.  This is the time of, first, giving gratitude for abundance.  It is also a time of letting go of past seasons' things she has been holding on to.  It is time for us to do the same.  This is the time our energy, like hers, must be spent on getting through and becoming ready to meet the new year unencumbered with all the unnecessary, unneeded, negativity and things we have been grieving.  Sister-friends, it is time to physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually prepare for winter and energy spent on those things that will help us, one day at a time, get through some hard places.

Spiritually, here comes survival's tests.  We will need to 'den in', like the beaver who has gnawed and lugged and built, and, now,  left to winter's ravage while he moved in to see winter through.  Seek ways to change, personally, in all areas of our life.  It will be a time of introspection to identify areas of our lives that will hold us back from being the glorious beings we can be, come spring.  We need to truly, be grateful for even the hard things we have gone through this year and then let them not burden us any longer.  Do not be attached to old ways, old relationships, old things that will make the dark, cold days and nights even more difficult. 

Identify people, places and things that comfort you, that sustain you.  Remember, first, why you chose the things you did, why you chose to act and react about things you did, even if they gave you reason to be burdened.  Those things are gone and need to be cleansed from your body, mind, heart and spirit.  We have learned the lessons, or will, during these next few months, from both the hard and soft places of life.  We need to heal and recover. Find activities you can do to help you settle more quietly, even deep inside, to soothe you.  Find people, places, things that truly sustain you, keep you vibrant, in the still small caverns of your soul.  Love and honor that glowing ember of your heart that keeps you strong and brave and full of dignified courage.  Express your gratitude and move more deeply into your soul to do some housekeeping to dig out everything that might slow down your beautiful rise when rising time comes. 


©Carol Desjarlais 11.22.18