Friday, November 9, 2018

Stopping For A Moment Before Flying Free

she walks through crackling
wind eddies dancing leaves into little paths
the great wolf howls at rings
around a stubborn moon
who refuses to give in to clouds

no dam can hold Old Man River
we sung     danced     prayed     and listened
to watery fingers plying at shoved stones
craving those soft strikes of drums
to take back     into its surge and purge
land which knew its name

Old Chief slumps a little more
but come sundown     moon up
you see his cheeks chiseled by Universal tears
and know how mighty his influence is felt
in slumbering hills and flat-faced land to follow

this is home     away from chaos and certain calamities
and I     who know why coyotes crack stillness
in assured staccato speaking that someone would follow
if it were time to walk towards that moonlight
and where calves moan their abrupt agony
at being torn from their mothers
where horses gallop full speed in front of storms
where women hide their bundle of burdens
beneath stones they have placed in cairns
where rivers are driven to seek their own home
where season strip her bare then adorn her in a new beauty
where I come     to sweat beneath falling skies
praying for vision and strength to step further

she steps into moon-rain  and her heart thunders
bares her blue breasts     raises her wrinkled face
lets stars stun her into her new knowing
this is all home     we are kin to water and earth
we are daughters of divine clarity     we climb great mountains
leave our footprints in shale      where she tucks treasures
of memories that kept her here    she weeps a woman's tears
raises her arms to gather the many gray horses
leaping from the chin of his face     to fly to that place
where sweetgrass and sage whisper old stories
about how she knew to soar
©Carol Desjarlais 11.9.18

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